Publications by Claire Morrison

NFL within sibship analysis


data taken from Pro Football Focus manually entered speed, draft selection, PFF grade from last season played (if current, current year), age at PFF grade (e.g if currently in league, age = current age), PFF grade 3 years post draft year there were some caveats such as Peyton Manning does not have a PFF grade from 3 years out (...

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group and marginal means


group means vs marginal means library(data.table) library(dplyr) library(forcats) library(ggplot2) source("/Users/claire/Desktop/Desktop/gradstats2022/gradstats_funcs.R") nursery<- fread("/Users/claire/Desktop/Desktop/gradstats2022/nursery.csv", header = T, data.table = F) when we have equal Ns, group means will equal the mean of means, as we’v...

5262 sym R (12733 sym/40 pcs) 1 img

plotting means


plotting means is really easy! first, let’s look at some data: golf<- fread("/Users/claire/Desktop/ASA All PGA Raw Data - Tourn Level.csv", header=T, data.table=F) head(golf) ## Player_initial_last tournament id player id hole_par strokes hole_DKP ## 1 A. Hadwin 401353275 5548 284 283 57.0 ## 2 A. No...

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rmarkdown tutorial


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library(car) ## Loading required package: carData library(psych) ## ## Attaching package: 'psych' ## The following object is masked from 'package:car': ## ## logit welcome to r markdown! there is a good chance this will be a pain to learn now and might take a while to get the hang of, but it’s a useful ...

3007 sym R (2813 sym/18 pcs)

lab 4 simple model comparison


very basic model comparison example create data/dataframe set.seed(5) # createa a vector of the means that we want our variables to have mu<-c(110, 36, 212) # create a vector of the standard deviations that we want our variables to have stddev <- c(15, 2, 40) # create a matrix that has the correlations we want our variables to have corMat <- ...

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Lab 5- confidence intervals


fun R code of the week! ways to look at data (hist, range, summary, str) subset using the data= function in lm() usnews<- read.csv("/Users/clairemorrison/Desktop/gradstats2022/usnews.csv", header=T, na.strings = ".") ### remember, this dataset uses "."s to denote missing data so I'm going to convert them to NAs with na.strings="." head(usnews)...

1494 sym Python (14956 sym/39 pcs) 1 img

exam 1 review


review before exam 1 testing a simple model 1. question do our cars have a different mpg than 17? Model c: \(MPG_i=17+\epsilon_i\) Model a: \(MPG_i=\beta_0+\epsilon_i\) PA-PC: 1 N-PA: 31 Null: \(\beta_0 = 17\) 2. code models head(mtcars) ## mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb ## Mazda RX4 21.0 6 160 11...

5088 sym Python (13788 sym/67 pcs)

recoding categorical variables


helpful R code we often want to recode variables for specific analyses, and there are multiple ways we can do this. first, let’s just mean center, or subtract some constant from a variable already in our dataset. apgar$gestat_mean<- apgar$GESTAT-mean(apgar$GESTAT) # this is saying from our apgar dataset, create a new variable called gestat_mean...

4986 sym R (7691 sym/43 pcs) 2 img

lab 10- tolerance and multiple regression


designing a study x <- matrix(rep(0,1,25), nrow = 5, dimnames = list(c("O", "X","Y","Z", "A"), c("D","A","B","C", "E"))) colnames(x)<- c("wellbeing", "int", "ext", "age", "mathability") row.names(x)<- c("wellbeing", "int", "ext", "age", "mathability") traits<-c("wellbeing", "int", "ext", "age", "mathability") # let's think about these variable...

4313 sym

interaction example


Here is an example looking at the effects of illiteracy and murder rates on income. states <- describe(states) ## vars n mean sd median trimmed mad min ## Population 1 50 4246.42 4464.49 2838.50 3384.28 2890.33 365.00 ## Income 2 50 4435.80 614.47 4519.00 4430.08 58...

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