Publications by CHUNJIE NAN



1. Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset [], provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” library(stringr) url<-"

1677 sym R (2690 sym/17 pcs)



I have asked five friends and get a simple survey of rating recent movies they have seen. Six movies were picked, and each friend of mine have rated according to their satisfaction of movies. The table was created with MySQl, and exported to Github as a CSV file.SQL code on git hub is here[linked phrase]

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The author of “How Americans Like Their Stake” brings out a question about how does a risk-taking behavior associate with steak in rare. Along with other variables, he found that the the risk-taking behavior is statistically insignificant to steak rareness. Import data as c...

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In this project, you’re given a text file with chess tournament results where the information has some structure. Your job is to create an R Markdown file that generates a .CSV file (that could for example be imported into a SQL database) with the following information for all of the players:Player’s Name, Player’s State, Total Number of Po...

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Import data library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(tidyr) vaccine<-read.csv("

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Task Choose any three of the “wide” datasets identified in the Week 6 Discussion items. (You may use your own dataset; please don’t use my Sample Post dataset, since that was used in your Week 6 assignment!) For each of the three chosen datasets: Create a .CSV file (or optionally, a MySQL database!) that includes all of the information incl...

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Pick three of your favorite books on one of your favorite subjects. At least one of the books should have more than one author. For each book, include the title, authors, and two or three other attributes that you find interesting. Take the information that you’ve selected about these three books, and separately create three files which store t...

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0.1 Task It can be useful to be able to classify new “test” documents using already classified “training” documents. A common example is using a corpus of labeled spam and ham (non-spam) e-mails to predict whether or not a new document is spam. For this project, you can start with a spam/ham dataset, then predict the class of new document...

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Degrees That Pay You Back


1. Which college majors will pay the bills? Wondering if that Philosophy major will really help you pay the bills? Think you’re set with an Engineering degree? Choosing a college major is a complex decision evaluating personal interest, difficulty, and career prospects. Your first paycheck right out of college might say a lot about your salary ...

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Text Mining America's Toughest Game Show


1. This… is… Jeopardy! “This… is… Jeopardy!” These words will ring a bell for anyone who has watched the American game show, Jeopardy! . This iconic TV show could be described as quizbowl with gambling. In each 30-minute episode, three contestants compete in answering questions with specific monetary value, accumulating and wagering t...

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