Publications by Chun San Yip

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Overview: The Raptor rating which is updated daily, use play-by-play and player-tracking data to calculate each player’s individual plus-minus measurements and wins above replacement, which accounts for playing time. It is a target for who is the best player in NBA. RAPTOR Rating represents “Robust Algorithm using Player Tracking and On-off R...

1094 sym R (2987 sym/4 pcs)

CUNY607 Week 1 Assignment


Overview: The Raptor rating which is updated daily, use play-by-play and player-tracking data to calculate each player’s individual plus-minus measurements and wins above replacement, which accounts for playing time. It is a target for who is the best player in NBA. RAPTOR Rating represents “Robust Algorithm using Player Tracking and On-off R...

537 sym R (2987 sym/4 pcs)

CUNY Bridge Course R Assignment 3


The objective of this exercise is to analyze the selected data to find out the following: 1. any relationship between accidents and safety measures such as airbag or seatbelt. 2. any relatship between year of vehicles and accidents 3. any trend related to gender 4. other additional information related to injury severity Statistical tool is not be...

1630 sym R (5143 sym/25 pcs) 8 img

CUNY Bridge Course R Assignment 2


Load the dplyr packages. library(dplyr) 1.Use the summary function to gain an overview of the data set.Then display the mean and median for at least two attributes. Filmdata <- read.csv(file = "c:/data/Film.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",") summary(Filmdata) ## X Title Year ## Min. : 1.00 A_...

840 sym R (6539 sym/30 pcs)

CUNY Bridge Course R Assignment 1


Load the dplyr packages. library(dplyr) Calculate 12-factorial factorial = 1 for(i in 1:12) { factorial = factorial * i} print(paste("The factorial of", "12" ,"is",factorial)) ## [1] "The factorial of 12 is 479001600" Create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5 NV <- seq(20, 50, 5) NV ## [1] 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Solv...

159 sym R (430 sym/9 pcs)

CUNY 607 Week 5 Assignment - Tidy Data


Overview: The assignment for this week is related to Tidying and Transforming Data of arrival delay performance of 2 airlines. Load all the required packages. library(tidyverse) library(RMariaDB) Read data from MySQL con <- dbConnect(RMariaDB::MariaDB(), user="test", password="test", dbname="adelay", host="localhost") con ## <MariaDBConnection>...

833 sym R (2894 sym/14 pcs) 2 img

CUNY 607 Project 2


Overview: We need to choose 3 sets of data in the Week 5 Discussion to tidy and transform the dat, and then to perform analysis. I have chosen the following 3 sets: Coronavirus data from Philip Tanofsky: New York City school level College Board AP results for 2010 from Sung...

1308 sym R (10307 sym/27 pcs) 3 img

DATA606 Presentation


Statistics and Probability for Data Analytics DATA 606 2020 Fall Chun San Yip (Dan) 2020/10/06 Exercise 4.9 on page 143 was selected. LA weather, Part II. Exercise 4.7 states that average daily high temperature in June in LA is 77 \(^{◦}\)F with a standard deviation of 5 \(^{◦}\)F, and it can be assumed that they to follow a normal distribut...

1298 sym R (15 sym/1 pcs) 2 img

CUNY608 Final Proposal


DATA608 - Final Project Chun San Yip December 3, 2021 Background This project is to create a public visualization using data relevant to a current policy for the fulfillment of the final project requirement of CUNY Data 608 Knowledge and Visual Analytics. As our daily life is seriously affected by Covid-19, I would like to make use the the d...

1112 sym