Publications by Chris Etherington | Catalyst Trading |

The Strat Weekly


Weekly Potential Set Ups This page shows current potential strat set ups based on daily data scraped from Last updated on 2020-10-19 09:27:40 GMT (2020-10-19 04:27:40 EDT). Only stocks which are in my personal universe of stocks are included. These are stocks which are generally priced between $10 and $50 per share, wi...

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The Strat Daily


Daily Potential Set Ups This page shows current potential strat set ups based on daily data scraped from Last updated on 2020-10-21 09:24:59 GMT (2020-10-21 04:24:59 EDT). Only stocks which are in my personal universe of stocks are included. These are stocks which are generally priced between $10 and $50 per share, wit...

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Data last updated on 2020-11-30 14:12:24 GMT (2020-11-30 09:12:24 EDT) The table below shows US stocks based on daily OHLC data scraped from Yahoo Finance and processed in RStudio using the R coding language to calculate Year, Quarter, Month, Week and Daily candle types based on Rob Smiths The Strat...

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Data last updated on 2020-12-23 14:48:49 GMT (2020-12-23 09:48:49 EDT) The table below shows US stocks based on daily OHLC data scraped from Yahoo Finance and processed in RStudio using the R coding language to calculate Year, Quarter, Month, Week and Daily candle types based on Rob Smiths The Strat...

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DocumentASX Market Data Instructions


Hi mate. Hopefully this will make sense and work for you. It should be a lot quicker. I’ve tested it a couple of times and it seems to work well so fingers crossed! Getting the ASX Tickers First I found this website: which seems to have all ASX tickers available for download. When I clicked the Download button, I ...

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The CDAR R Bible


The CDAR Team R Bible of useful packages and functions with examples Useful resources Here is a link to the package cheatsheets available from R: Here is a link to Roel Verbelen’s favourite packages: ODBC Package: odbc   Function: dbConnect() ...

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