Publications by Chris Elvin
Fantasy Premier League Linear Optimization for Season 2023/2024
Get FPL Review data. fpl_review <- read.csv("fplreview_1691019313.csv") Load packages. library(tidyverse) library(lpSolve) Team formation Num_G = 2 Num_D = 5 Num_M = 5 Num_F = 3 Squad value team_value = 100 Create vectors for each position. fpl_review$Goalkeeper = ifelse(fpl_review$Pos == "G", 1, 0) fpl_review$Defender = ifelse(fpl_review$Pos =...
1088 sym R (5701 sym/19 pcs)
Fantasy Premier League Linear Optimization for Season 2023/2024
Get FPL Review data. fpl_review <- read.csv("fplreview_1691019313.csv") Load packages. library(tidyverse) library(lpSolve) Team formation Num_G = 2 Num_D = 5 Num_M = 5 Num_F = 3 Squad value team_value = 100 Create vectors for each position. fpl_review$Goalkeeper = ifelse(fpl_review$Pos == "G", 1, 0) fpl_review$Defender = ifelse(fpl_review$Pos =...
1043 sym R (5701 sym/19 pcs)
Fantasy Premier League Linear Optimization for Season 2023/2024
Get FPL Review data. fpl_review <- read.csv("fplreview_1691019313.csv") Load packages. library(tidyverse) library(lpSolve) Team formation Num_G = 2 Num_D = 5 Num_M = 5 Num_F = 3 Squad value team_value = 100 Create vectors for each position. fpl_review$Goalkeeper = ifelse(fpl_review$Pos == "G", 1, 0) fpl_review$Defender = ifelse(fpl_review$Pos =...
692 sym R (5701 sym/19 pcs)
FPL Fantasy Premier League linear optimization - 2023 to 2024
Get FPL Review data. fpl_review <- read.csv("fplreview_1691019313.csv") Load packages. library(tidyverse) library(lpSolve) Team formation Num_G = 2 Num_D = 5 Num_M = 5 Num_F = 3 Squad value team_value = 100 Create vectors for each position. fpl_review$Goalkeeper = ifelse(fpl_review$Pos == "G", 1, 0) fpl_review$Defender = ifelse(fpl_review$Pos =...
398 sym R (3991 sym/17 pcs)
COVID-19 confirmed cases exponential increase predictions for Japan
COVID-19 cases data was obtained from the Kaggle website; coronavirus_confirmed_cases <- read.csv("time_series_covid_19_confirmed.csv") Inspect data. str(coronavirus_confirmed_cases) ## 'data.frame': 258 obs. of 76 variables: ## $ Province.State: chr "" "" "" "" ... #...
648 sym R (6704 sym/18 pcs) 3 img
Oral English Discussion Class Data Analysis 2020-2021
Preamble This year, because of COVID-19, discussion classes were held online via Zoom. Every lesson, there are typically five discussion leaders who will lead a discussion about a news topic to small groups. After 12 or 13 minutes, leaders rotate and start a new discussion about the same topic. Meanwhile, discussion leader feedback is administere...
6027 sym R (19486 sym/72 pcs) 5 img
Attendance and Monitoring
Read the 2020 data into R. x <- read.csv("oe2_2020_feedback_anon.csv") Convert timestamp strings to date format. x$Timestamp <- dmy_hms(x$Timestamp) Convert character strings to factors. x[,3:13] <- lapply(x[,3:13], as.factor) Convert scores to numeric. x$Score <- word(x$Score) %>% as.numeric Subset data to include only the first semester. x...
1383 sym R (1801 sym/14 pcs) 3 img
Clustering Students by Graded Reader Interest To Create Novel Groups
Read data into R. x <- read.csv("cluster_reading_anon.csv", stringsAsFactors = F) Subset dataframe for one specific class and include student nickname, book title, author, publisher, genre, and stars the student awarded for the book. y <- x %>% filter(Campus == "A") %>% select(2:6,9) Convert character variables to factor variables. y[,1:5] <...
1458 sym R (4841 sym/19 pcs) 1 img
Clustering Students Based on Their Answers to a Social Issues Survey
Read data into R. classes <- read.csv("class.csv", stringsAsFactors = T) Check the structure of the data frame. str(classes) ## 'data.frame': 26 obs. of 40 variables: ## $ Timestamp : Factor w/ 26 levels "25/09/2017 08:59:41",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... ## ...
748 sym R (12671 sym/15 pcs) 2 img
The Elvin Reading Difficulty Index Application in Class
CommonLit Readability Prize Rate the complexity of literary passages for grades 3-12 classroom use knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ────────────...
5696 sym R (54850 sym/115 pcs) 5 img