Publications by Jack Russo, Javern Wilson, Joseph Simone, Anthony Munoz, Paul Perez
Data 624 - Homework 6
Exercise 8.11 - 1 Figure 8.31 shows the ACFs for 36 random numbers, 360 random numbers and 1,000 random numbers. a. Explain the differences among these figures. Do they all indicate that the data are white noise? Figure 8.31: Left: ACF for a white noise series of 36 numbers. Middle: ACF for a white noise series of 360 numbers. Right: ACF for a ...
3963 sym R (6377 sym/68 pcs) 24 img
Data 624 - Homework 4
Chapter 3 - Exercise 3.1 The UC Irvice Machine Learning Repository contains a data set related to glass identification. The dta aconsists of 214 glass samples labeled as one of seven class categories. There are nine predictors, including the refractive index and percentages of eight elements: Na, Mg, Al, Si, K, Ca, Ba, and Fe. The data can be acc...
2926 sym R (4715 sym/21 pcs) 5 img
Data 624 - Homework 5
Exercise 7.8 - 1 Consider the pigs series - the number of pigs slaughtered in Victoria each month a. Use the ses() function in R to find the optimizal values of α and ℓ0, and generate forecasts for the next four months fc <- ses(pigs, h = 4) fc ## Point Forecast Lo 80 Hi 80 Lo 95 Hi 95 ## Sep 1995 98816.41 85605.4...
4539 sym R (55491 sym/95 pcs) 16 img
Data 624 - Project 2
1 Project Problem Statement This is role playing. I am your new boss. I am in charge of production at ABC Beverage and you are a team of data scientists reporting to me. My leadership has told me that new regulations are requiring us to understand our manufacturing process, the predictive factors and be able to report to them our predictive model...
15966 sym R (38095 sym/116 pcs) 29 img 3 tbl
Data 624 - Homework 9
library(tidyverse) library(mlbench) library(caret) library(Cubist) library(gbm) library(ipred) library(party) library(partykit) library(randomForest) library(rpart) library(RWeka) library(AppliedPredictiveModeling) library(rattle) 8.1 Recreate the simulated data from Exercise 7.2: set.seed(200) simulated <- mlbench.friedman1(200, s...
5368 sym R (13036 sym/53 pcs) 8 img
Homework 7
Exercise 6.2 Developing a model to predict permeability (see Sect. 1.4) could save significant resources for a pharmaceutical company, while at the same time more rapidly identifying molecules that have a sufficient permeability to become a drug: (a) Start R and use these commands to load the data: The matrix fingerprints contains the 1,107 bina...
3646 sym R (12891 sym/62 pcs) 8 img
Data 624 - Homework 8
library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.1 -- ## v ggplot2 3.3.3 v purrr 0.3.4 ## v tibble 3.1.0 v dplyr 1.0.5 ## v tidyr 1.1.3 v stringr 1.4.0 ## v readr 1.4.0 v forcats 0.5.1 ## -- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse_conflicts() -- #...
2263 sym R (47874 sym/134 pcs) 18 img