Publications by Cam Turner



1 Setup # Clear the workspace rm(list = ls()) # Clear environment gc() # Clear unused memory ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) limit (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 520346 27.8 1152055 61.6 NA 669294 35.8 ## Vcells 957707 7.4 8388608 64.0 16384 1839854 14.1 cat("\f") # Clear the console ...

4378 sym R (9903 sym/31 pcs) 3 img 1 tbl



Part 0: Setup # Clear the workspace rm(list = ls()) # Clear environment gc() # Clear unused memory ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) limit (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 520270 27.8 1151834 61.6 NA 669302 35.8 ## Vcells 958697 7.4 8388608 64.0 16384 1839795 14.1 cat("\f") # Clear the console dev.of...

8409 sym R (10963 sym/27 pcs) 4 tbl



Part 0: Setup # Clear the workspace rm(list = ls()) # Clear environment gc() # Clear unused memory ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) limit (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 518438 27.7 1146604 61.3 NA 669294 35.8 ## Vcells 951569 7.3 8388608 64.0 16384 1839842 14.1 cat("\f") # Clear the console dev.of...

141 sym R (7396 sym/35 pcs) 2 img 7 tbl



Card and Krueger Study Summary After New Jersey hiked its minimum wage in 1992, Card and Krueger studied its effect by examining fast food companies that employed workers at the minimum wage. They wanted to challenge the prevailing classical theory which suggested that a wage hike would adversely effect employment by limiting the number of workers...

3558 sym R (4874 sym/16 pcs) 2 tbl



Part I: Describing Variable Bias and OVB What is Variable Bias? source: Evaluating the Goodness of an Estimator: Bias, Mean-Square Error, Relative Eciency In the least mathematical terms, variable bias describes whether the coefficient from a regression overestimates, underestimates, or correctly predicts an explanatory variable’s relationship w...

6782 sym R (8124 sym/24 pcs) 2 img 3 tbl



Part I: Gauss-Markov Assumptions The assumptions provided below are listed in the same sequence from matrix_OLS_NYU_notes.pdf and use info from These are not necessarily definitions, rather they are descriptions Linearity Non-Technical: Changes in input variables have a straightforward and consistent impact on the outcome vari...

8439 sym R (7196 sym/37 pcs) 7 img 3 tbl



Panel Study of Income Dynamics Part I: Import and Description Import from AER install.packages("AER", repos = "") ## ## The downloaded binary packages are in ## /var/folders/xw/gzd_szgs3nvfyhc2s98_d7sr0000gn/T//RtmpctEOtQ/downloaded_packages library("AER") ## Loading required package: car ## Loading required package:...

2194 sym R (498744 sym/29 pcs)



Panel Study of Income Dynamics Part I: Import and Description Import from AER install.packages("AER", repos = "") ## ## The downloaded binary packages are in ## /var/folders/xw/gzd_szgs3nvfyhc2s98_d7sr0000gn/T//RtmpDHxW6b/downloaded_packages library("AER") ## Loading required package: car ## Loading required package:...

2087 sym R (498379 sym/29 pcs)



Panel Study of Income Dynamics Part I: Import and Description Import from AER install.packages("AER", repos = "") ## ## The downloaded binary packages are in ## /var/folders/xw/gzd_szgs3nvfyhc2s98_d7sr0000gn/T//Rtmp9ufi7O/downloaded_packages library("AER") ## Loading required package: car ## Loading required package:...

1854 sym R (498102 sym/29 pcs)



Part I: Defining & Plotting Datasets Find pre-loaded datasets in R data() Cross Sectional (cars) This dataset describes the speed at which cars were travelling and the distance it took them to come to a stop at said speed. The data was collected in the 1920s and used 50 separate observations. speed = speed (mph) dist = distance (ft) col = “blue...

2202 sym Python (2849 sym/21 pcs) 2 img