Publications by Calvin Riswandi (20214920003)
Week 6
1 Import Data treatment<- read.csv("treatment.csv") treatment ## id treatment improvement ## 1 1 treated improved ## 2 2 treated improved ## 3 3 not-treated improved ## 4 4 treated improved ## 5 5 treated not-improved ## 6 6 treated not-improved ## 7 7 not-treated not-i...
3556 sym 1 img
A/B Testing
library(MASS) library(DT) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following object is masked from 'package:MASS': ## ## select ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union 1 Match...
5996 sym Python (1692 sym/21 pcs) 1 img
Hypothesis Testing
1 Introduction As a data scientist you probably retain or reject hypothesis based on measurements of observed samples. The decision is often based on a statistical mechanism called hypothesis testing. Let’s watching the following video: There are three conditions of having hypothesis testing included: Left Tailed Test: When the \(\bar{x}\) i...
59038 sym Python (12661 sym/84 pcs) 5 img
Confidence Intervals
1 Brief Introduction Please watching this video, to get some ideas about Confidence Intervals (CI) 2 CI in Business This video guide you, how can you apply Confidence Intervals in Business. 3 Your Exercise In this section, your expected to get familiar with confidential intervals exercise: 3.1 Exercise 1 Find a point estimate of average unive...
35652 sym Python (6395 sym/91 pcs) 5 img
Tugas 1 Komputasi
Email : RPubs : Jurusan : Statistika Address : ARA Center, Matana University Tower Jl. CBD Barat Kav, RT.1, Curug Sangereng, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15810....
2070 sym Python (2331 sym/20 pcs) 2 img
Tugas 1 DataBase
Buatlah artikel mengenai sejarah perkembangan sistem basis data Pendahuluan Apakah itu basis data? Buatlah artikel mengenai sejarah perkembangan sistem basis data Tahun 1960-an (Awal) Tahun 1970-an (Database Relational) Tahun 1980-an (Pertumbuhan dan Standarisasi) Tahun 1990-an (Inter...
10053 sym 1 img 1 tbl
Fundamental Operations to SQL
Kontak \(\downarrow\) Email Instagram RPubs Nama Calvin Riswandi NIM 20214920003 1 Connecting MySQL dengan menggunakan package MySQL kita bisa membuat koneksi dari SQL ke R menjadi mudah. yang harus dilakuan hanya menginstall pakages dan meloading...
7353 sym 3 tbl
System Quarry SQL
Kontak \(\downarrow\) Email Instagram RPubs Nama Calvin Riswandi NIM 20214920003 1 Connect MySQL Customers <- read.csv("Customers.csv") Categories <- read.csv("Categories.csv") Employees <- read.csv("Employees.csv") OrderDetails <- read.csv("Or...
1847 sym 27 tbl
Materi 6
:—- |:—- Kontak| \(\downarrow\) Email| Instagram | RPubs | Nama | Calvin Riswandi NIM | 20214920003 1 Introduction library(RMySQL) ## Loading required package: DBI library(DBI) poodle <- dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(), dbname='calv...
5325 sym 49 tbl
Kontak \(\downarrow\) Email Instagram RPubs Nama Calvin Riswandi NIM 20214920003 Customers <- read.csv("Customers.csv") Categories <- read.csv("Categories.csv") Employees <- read.csv("Employees.csv") OrderDetails <- read.csv("OrderDetails.csv")...
3248 sym 45 tbl