Publications by C. Alberto Dorantes Dosamantes, Ph.D.
Merging 1-to-many, Algorithms and Data Analysis
1 Data collection You have to import the datasets. We will download these datasets from a web site. Here is the code: # To avoid scientific notation: options(scipen=999) #Read Excel library(readxl) # Download the panel dataset from an online excel file: download.file("", "us2020q.xlsx...
1482 sym R (1910 sym/13 pcs)
Workshop 9 - Financial Econometrics I
1 General directions for this Workshop You will work in RStudio. Create an R Notebook document to write whatever is asked in this workshop. At the beginning of the R Notebook write Workshop 10 - Financial Econometrics I and your name (as we did in previous workshop). You have to replicate all the steps explained in this workshop, and ALSO you hav...
5988 sym R (3809 sym/24 pcs) 1 img
Workshop 3 Solution - Data Analysis and Algorithms
1 General directions for this Workshop You will work in RStudio. You have to open your Workshop 2 (the one you submitted to Canvas). Now save this file as Workshop-3-YourName.Rmd. 2 CHALLENGE 1: Complete/correct your Workshop 2 The first part of the workshop will be to complete and/or correct your own Workshop according to what is explained in c...
4675 sym R (4503 sym/12 pcs) 6 img
Workshop 8 - Financial Econometrics I
1 General directions for this Workshop You will work in RStudio. Create an R Notebook document to write whatever is asked in this workshop. At the beginning of the R Notebook write Workshop 6 - Financial Econometrics I and your name (as we did in previous workshop). You have to replicate all the steps explained in this workshop, and ALSO you have...
15151 sym R (16960 sym/37 pcs) 4 img 1 tbl
Workshop 7 Solution - Financial Econometrics I
1 General directions for this Workshop You will work in RStudio. Create an R Notebook document to write whatever is asked in this workshop. At the beginning of the R Notebook write Workshop 8 - Financial Econometrics I and your name (as we did in previous workshop). You have to replicate all the steps explained in this workshop, and ALSO you have...
14388 sym R (14240 sym/55 pcs) 2 img
Workshop 2 Solution - Data Analysis and Algorithms
1 Introduction We will work with a panel data of real US public firms. This is the dataset you will use for the Problem Situation (Final Project) of this class. First, we will do descriptive statistics and visualization with the purpose of understanding the US financial market. In addition, we will start learning about machine learning and do a r...
22743 sym R (8473 sym/61 pcs) 6 img 3 tbl
Workshop 3 - Data Analysis and Algorithms
1 General directions for this Workshop You will work in RStudio. You have to open your Workshop 2 (the one you submitted to Canvas). Now save this file as Workshop-3-YourName.Rmd. 2 CHALLENGE 1: Complete/correct your Workshop 2 The first part of the workshop will be to complete and/or correct your own Workshop according to what is explained in c...
2721 sym
Workshop 6 Solution - Financial Econometrics I
1 Data management and Introduction to Multiple Regression Before we continue to learn more advanced econometric models, it is very important to emphasize the importance of data management in Finance. If we do not have a cleaned and well structured dataset, then our econometric models might not provide the accurate insights we are looking for. Rea...
14598 sym R (9422 sym/49 pcs) 3 img
Workshop 6 - Financial Econometrics I
1 General directions for this Workshop You will work in RStudio. Create an R Notebook document to write whatever is asked in this workshop. At the beginning of the R Notebook write Workshop 6 - Financial Econometrics I and your name (as we did in previous workshop). You have to replicate all the steps explained in this workshop, and ALSO you have...
17330 sym R (9234 sym/47 pcs) 3 img
Workshop 1 - Algorithms and Data Analysis
1 General directions for this Workshop You will work in RStudio. It is strongly recommended to have the latest version of R and RStudio. Once you are in RStudio, do the following. Create an R Notebook document (File -> New File -> R Notebook), where you have to write whatever is asked in this workshop. More specifically, you have to: Replicate a...
25027 sym R (17502 sym/93 pcs) 8 img