Publications by Bowen Zhang

Reproducible Research Project 2 - Storm Event Analysis


Synopsis This analysis utilizes the NOAA storm data (repdata_data_StormData.csv.bz2) to analyse the affects on these weather events on the population. The first question asks: Across the United States, which types of events are most harmful with respect to population health? The second question explores which types of events have the greatest eco...

3144 sym R (5099 sym/15 pcs) 2 img

Statistical Inference Project - Simulation


Overview Investigate the exponential distribution in R and compare it with the Central Limit Theorem. The exponential distribution can be simulated in R with rexp(n, lambda) where lambda is the rate parameter. The mean of exponential distribution is 1/lambda and the standard deviation is also 1/lambda. Set lambda = 0.2 for all of the simulations....

2774 sym R (1355 sym/22 pcs) 1 img

Practical Machine Learning Course Project


Overview This is the final report for Coursera’s Practical Machine Learning course, as part of the Data Science Specialization track offered by John Hopkins. In this project, we will use data from accelerometers on the belt, forearm, arm, and dumbell of 6 participants to predict the manner in which they did the exercise. This is the “classe�...

3691 sym R (7603 sym/26 pcs) 5 img

Plotly Presentation


6/22/2020 Overview We will be looking at the InsectSpray data set with Plotly. We will just a quick plot to test the functions of plotly and creating a web presentation slide through R markdown. Insect sprays vs Bugs Killed Thank you ...

247 sym

Ontario COVID-19 Tracker Presentation


Ontario COVID-19 Tracker ProjectBowen ZhangJune 24,2020 Introduction This presentation is to introduce the Shiny application: Ontario Covid Tracker Overview: The application was built in Rstudio with the Shiny App and Leaflet packages. Here is an Overview: The tracker allows users to view geographical data on each of the cases of COVID-19 in ...

1476 sym R (542 sym/3 pcs)

Capstone Project Milestone 1 Report


Overview This is the Milestone Report for the NLP text prediction project. This milestone shows the loading, sampling, cleaning, and explorartory analysis of the data. Data is from SwiftKey. Download To reproduce, make sure you unzip the twitter, blog, and news text data files (for your corresponding language) into a “/data” subfolder in your...

1734 sym R (3455 sym/11 pcs) 3 img



Data Science Capstone: Ngrams Text PredictionBowen ZhangJune 30, 2020 Introduction This is the Capstone project for the Data Science Specialization Track offered by John Hopkins University. This project involves building a predictive text app that uses predictive analytics to suggest the next word a user inputs. The data for this project was pr...

2241 sym