Publications by - Articles

Data Science With R Course Series – Week 2


Data Science and Machine Learning in business begins with R. Why? R is the premier language that enables rapid exploration, modeling, and communication in a way that no other programming language can match: SPEED! This is why you need to learn R. Time is money, and, in a world where you are measured on productivity and skill, R is your machine-le...

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Data Science With R Course Series – Week 3


Data Science and Machine Learning in business begins with R. Why? R is the premier language that enables rapid exploration, modeling, and communication in a way that no other programming language can match: SPEED! This is why you need to learn R. Time is money, and, in a world where you are measured on productivity and skill, R is your machine-le...

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R and Python: How to Integrate the Best of Both into Your Data Science Workflow


From Executive Business Leadership to Data Scientists, we all agree on one thing: A data-driven transformation is happening. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and more specifically, Data Science, are redefining how organizations extract insights from their core business(es). We’re experiencing a fundamental shift in organizations in which “approxi...

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Data Science With R Course Series – Week 4


This week in the Data Science With R Course Series we’ll cover Data Preparation, where we structure the data in preparation for modeling. This week’s modules will teach you: How to create a preprocessing pipeline with the recipes package How to prepare data for human readability and machine-readable formats How to perform a Correlation Analy...

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Data Science With R Course Series – Week 5


The culmination of the previous weeks has been preparation for machine learning modeling. At this stage, we have defined the business problem, we’ve explored and understood how the data relates to the business problem, and we’ve preprocessed the data in preparation for modeling. This week will focus on the following topics: Introduction to a...

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Data Science With R Course Series – Week 6


Welcome to week 6 of the Data Science with R Course Series. This week’s curriculum is an extension of week 5, where we started analyzing model performance. This week will cover the following: Learn techniques to communicate and measure model performance Learn how to analyze individual machine learning model metrics Learn how to visually compar...

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Marketing Analytics and Data Science


Summary The data science community, Kaggle, recently announced the Google Analytics Customer Revenue Prediction competition. The competition uses data from the Google Merchandise store, and the challenge is to create a model that will predict the total revenue per customer. I’m using the Kaggle competition as an opportunity to show how data sci...

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Data Science With R Course Series – Week 7


After week 7, you will be able to communicate confidently which model features are the most important. Interpretability is a very important topic in machine learning. The automated machine learning tool, H2O, makes a data scientist’s life easier, however it doesn’t remove the need to understand your model. As the data scientist, you need to b...

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New R Cheatsheet: Data Science Workflow with R


Teaching R is our mission at Business Science University because R is the most efficient language for exploring data, performing business analysis, and applying data science to business to extract ROI for an organization. R has an amazing ecosystem of tools that seemlessly work together, which has been termed the “tidyverse”. The “tidyverse...

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Data Science With R Course Series – Week 8


This is a fun part of the course where you learn how to add value to the business by providing ROI-Driven Data Science! Week 8 will teach you how to calculate a simple policy change – Implementing a No Overtime Policy. You will calculate the expected savings compared to the current policy of allowing overtime. Next, develop a more sophisticated...

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