Publications by Business Science

Excel to R, Part 1 – The 10X Productivity Boost


Transitioning from Excel to R is one of the best decisions I have ever made. It accelerated my career and it boosted my productivity 10X – 100X (I show how in a Time Study – keep reading). I used Excel primarily for sales and marketing analytics. I was a power-user of Excel fully equipped in VBA, Pivot Tables, Conditional Formatting, and all ...

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A/B Testing with Machine Learning – A Step-by-Step Tutorial


With the rise of digital marketing led by tools including Google Analytics, Google Adwords, and Facebook Ads, a key competitive advantage for businesses is using A/B testing to determine effects of digital marketing efforts. Why? In short, small changes can have big effects. This is why A/B testing is a huge benefit. A/B Testing enables us to det...

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Build A R Shiny App (Tutorial) – Wedding Risk Model


It continues to amaze us at the progress that our students are making in applying data science in the real world. Bryan Clark (LinkedIn), Data Scientist with H&M and student in our Business Science University DS4B 201-R course has successfully applied the BSPF Framework (our data science project-management methodology applied in the DS4B 201-R co...

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Excel to R, Part 2 – Speed Up Exploratory Data Analysis 100X (R Code!)


You’re a Business Analyst – well versed in tools like Tableau, PowerBI, and maybe even SQL, but you want to take your data analytics abilities to the next level, by improving productivity and making predictive business insights with data science (rather than just descriptive insights). Then R is the language for you. In this article, you’ll...

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Introducing correlationfunnel v0.1.0 – Speed Up Exploratory Data Analysis by 100X


I’m pleased to announce the introduction of correlationfunnel version 0.1.0, which officially hit CRAN yesterday. The correlationfunnel package is a tool that enables efficient exploration of data, understanding relationships, and get to business insights as fast as possible. I’ve taught correlationfunnel to my 500+ students enrolled in the A...

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Big Data: Wrangling 4.6M Rows with dtplyr (the NEW data.table backend for dplyr)


Wrangling Big Data is one of the best features of the R programming language, which boasts a Big Data Ecosystem that contains fast in-memory tools (e.g. data.table) and distributed computational tools (sparklyr). With the NEW dtplyr package, data scientists with dplyr experience gain the benefits of data.table backend. We saw a 3X speed boost for...

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PDF Scraping in R with tabulizer


This article comes from Jennifer Cooper, a new student in Business Science University. Jennifer is 35% complete with the 101 course – and shows off her progress in this PDF Scraping tutorial. Jennifer has an interest in understanding the plight of wildlife across the world, and uses her new data science skills to perform a useful analysis – s...

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Cleaning Anomalies to Reduce Forecast Error by 9% with anomalize


In this tutorial, we’ll show how we used clean_anomalies() from the anomalize package to reduce forecast error by 9%. R Packages Covered: anomalize – Time series anomaly detection Cleaning Anomalies to Reduce Forecast Error by 9% We can often improve forecast performance by cleaning anomalous data prior to forecasting. This is the perfect u...

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Web Scraping Product Data in R with rvest and purrr


This article comes from Joon Im, a student in Business Science University. Joon has completed both the 201 (Advanced Machine Learning with H2O) and 102 (Shiny Web Applications) courses. Joon shows off his progress in this Web Scraping Tutorial with rvest. R Packages Covered: rvest & jsonlite – Web Scraping HTML and working with JSON data purr...

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Customer Churn Modeling using Machine Learning with parsnip


This article comes from Diego Usai, a student in Business Science University. Diego has completed both 101 (Data Science Foundations) and 201 (Advanced Machine Learning & Business Consulting) courses. Diego shows off his progress in this Customer Churn Tutorial using Machine Learning with parsnip. Diego originally posted the article on his perso...

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