Publications by btibert3

Use R to view and manipulate the File System


One of the best ways to learn how to code in R is to view sample scripts that people share. I recently came across this post where Michael uses R to scrape twitter and collect all sorts of great data on the current unrest in the Middle East and northern Africa.  While the post is worthy of a read itself, what I found useful was the function ?fil...

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Plot the Scoring Streak of an NHL Player with R


I am a big Boston Bruins fan and have enjoyed the ups and downs over the last few years, regardless of the catastrophes that have occurred during the playoffs.  The team struggled a few weeks ago, but have recently seemed to find their stride. During that time frame, in my opinion Nathan Horton was a significant factor in those wins. For a long ...

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Find NHL Players with 30 Goals and 100 PIM using R


Last week Jack Edwards raised the fact that Milan Lucic was the first Bruin player to join the 30 Goal / 100 Penalty Minute club in a few years.  It got me thinking about the other players who have accomplished this feat and wanted to hack up some data using R.  The code below grabs the necessary data and generates a very basic analysis of all ...

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Michael Ryder Streaks


A ways back I put up a post that uses R to plot the scoring trends of an NHL player. Given the recent chatter on sports talk radio around Boston, I used my script to plot the data for Michael Ryder.  His scoring history plot is shown below. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Data Twirl...

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At Least Tim Thomas Won…….


As you can tell from the content on this blog, I am a really big fan of statistical analysis and the NHL.  I haven’t blogged in some time simply because I have been deeply engrossed by the 2011 playoffs, where I am lucky enough to say that I am a diehard Bruins fan. With that in mind, I am not that happy that Zdeno did not get the Norris.  Wh...

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Connect to the Facebook API with R for Windows Users


Recently there have been some great posts that highlight how easy it is to hook into the Facebook Graph API using R. Crawling Facebook with R started the discussion and Apply R highlighted how easy it was to plot our network. In order to replicate the examples on Windows, most likely you will need to run a few extra lines of code before calling ...

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ACT to SAT M+V Concordance Chart in R


For those of who work in Enrollment Management and routinely analyze higher ed data, I wanted to share an easy way to convert ACT to equivalent SAT M+V scores in R. I am dynamically building a dataset that uses the concordance chart located here. Simply, use this data frame and merge it onto your existing data (?merge) to calculate the “best st...

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Using FAFSA Data to Define Competitor Density


I have been thinking a lot about how to define and discuss competition at the undergraduate level.   I will save the chat on which dataset is better (ASQ, Student Clearinghouse, social media, etc.) for another day. One common question I get as an analyst in Enrollment Management is how to “define” competition. While it’s never an easy ques...

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Using FAFSA Data to study Competitors – Part 2


I wanted to build upon my previous post and dive a little deeper into the sorts of questions we can answer using the FAFSA data supplied to us by applicants. As a quick overview, students completing the FAFSA for student aid can list up to ten institutions on the form. I consider this the student’s consideration set. When aggregating these data...

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EPS Market Map in R


There are a few minor tweaks renaming on this map before it is complete, but I wanted to share the EPS Market Map I put together.  It can be downloaded using this link. This file is meant to be used with R and divides the lower 48 states into the CollegeBoard’s Enrollment Planning Service markets. To build the territories, I used the crosswalk...

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