Publications by Bryan Calderon
Discussion 10
rm(list = ls()) # Clear all files from your environment gc() # Clear unused memory ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) limit (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 526428 28.2 1169365 62.5 NA 669428 35.8 ## Vcells 970675 7.5 8388608 64.0 16384 1851821 14.2 cat("\f") # Clear the console graphics.of...
970 sym R (2230 sym/7 pcs) 3 img
Clean everything rm(list = ls()) # Clear all files from your environment gc() # Clear unused memory ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) limit (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 526468 28.2 1169480 62.5 NA 669428 35.8 ## Vcells 971088 7.5 8388608 64.0 16384 1851821 14.2 cat("\f") # Clear the cons...
2089 sym Python (2473 sym/7 pcs) 4 img
Discussion 8
rm(list = ls()) # Clear all files from your environment gc() # Clear unused memory ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) limit (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 526562 28.2 1169750 62.5 NA 669425 35.8 ## Vcells 971900 7.5 8388608 64.0 16384 1852074 14.2 cat("\f") # Clear the console graphics.of...
4955 sym R (3760 sym/25 pcs) 2 img
Part 1 A) Please explain each of the 3 distributions in less than 4 sentences. Normal Distribution: It is a type of continuous distribution that is defined by two parameters (mean and Standard deviation). it contains a symmetric bell curved shape where the mean represents the central value while the standard deviation shows the spread of the data...
5454 sym Python (1419 sym/7 pcs) 4 img
rm(list = ls()) # Clear data Part 1 Prompt: Please explain Bayes Theorem in your own words, and give an example. Less than 10 sentences. Also, write out the formula. Pick up on how to to type equations in R Markdown using Latex terminology Bayes theorem: It helps us understand and update the probability of an event based on new information. To sim...
2576 sym R (5898 sym/16 pcs) 1 img
Part 1 Mutually exclusive events mean they cannot occur at the same time (an either/or situation). Most commonly this can be explained in a situation where if you flip a coin, it cannot be heads and tails, it will land on one of the two. Independence on the other hand is when one event does not affect the occurrence or nonoccurrence of the other ev...
2087 sym 2 img
Part 1 Data structures define how the data is stored and organized, they include (Data Frames, Matrices, Vectors, Lists, Arrays, and Factors). Each of these are different in their own way and can determine the usage of the data. For example a data frame allows for different classes across each column while a vector, a more basic data strucuture all...
2257 sym R (2464 sym/27 pcs) 1 img
Data Analysis Discussion 2 (BC)
Part 1 Answers to Questions from Textbook Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher was an English statistician, evolutionary biologist, and geneticist who worked on a data set that contained sepal length and width, and petal length and width from three species of iris flowers (setosa, versicolor, and virginica). There were 50 flowers from each species in the data...
1726 sym 8 img