Publications by Brian Crilly

Montgomery County Food Service Inspections


Table of contents Introduction Data Set Findings Conclusions References Food Service Inspection Analysis Montgomery County, Maryland Author Brian Crilly Published January 28, 2024 Code div.leaflet-control { text-align: left; } Introduction Montgomery County is located to the north and west of Washington, DC in the state of Maryland. Mont...

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FlexDashboard Sample


Flex Dashboard with Tabs Column Citations by Hour Citations by Category and Year Citations by Day for Years 2013-2020 Heatmap: Citations by Da of Week and by Year...

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Text Prediction Demonstration


Text Prediction ProjectBrian Crilly12/15/2021 The Challenge Create a text prediction application Predict the word that comes next following a given sequence of words The target device could be a mobile phone Balance accuracy, computational load, and memory requirements The Approach Markov Chain with Backoff Parse trigrams from sample data ...

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NLP Basics


12/02/2021 Objective Overall Bridge quantitative and qualitative research Provide examples that cross paradigms What can we learn from each paradigm? Today Would some of these topics be relevant across paradigms? How could they be presented in an engaging way? Real examples Background “Natural Language Processing (NLP)” is broadly defi...

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DSS Capstone Project Interim Report


Introduction This report contains preliminary analysis for the Capstone Project for the Data Science Specialization course sequence. The Capstone Project involves the development of a word prediction application based on provided datasets from blog posts, news posts, and twitter posts. The intent of the application is to predict potential upcomin...

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DDP Project Presentation


Developing Data Products Project PresentationBrian Crilly03 November 2021 Introduction This presentation is part of the Developing Data Products final project It is created using R Studio It explains the Shiny application created as part of the project The app is located here: And the source code can be ...

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Plotly Demo


11/2/2021 Plotly Demo: 2021-11-02 ...

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Reproducible Research Project 2


Synopsis Weather events can impact the health of the population, and result in significant financial loss. This report analyzes data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Storm Database to answer two fundamental questions: Across the United States, which types of weather events are most harmful with respect to human health...

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Leaflet Project


Smithsonian’s National Zoo 2021-10-31 Click on the animal icons below to launch the Zoo webcams! Icons made by Freepik from Flaticon ...

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