Publications by Brandon Cunningham
Tips Analysis Final Projecct
Introduction In this paper I will be using approximately a year and a half of data collected from time sheets from my girlfriends time as a server and bartender for Olive Garden. I will be looking into trends in the data over time, in days as a server instead of a bartender, length of shifts, the day of the week, and looking into anecdotal observat...
4902 sym Python (14975 sym/39 pcs) 8 img
Week 10
Introduction In this project we will be starting off by replicating the code from (Silge and Robinson 2021). Once that is done we will b e repuding the results using a different sentiment analysis package called sentimentr, and instead of doing sentiment by word it will be done by chapter. tidy_books <- austen_books() %>% group_by(book) %>% mut...
986 sym Python (2637 sym/15 pcs) 2 img
Week 9
Introduction In this program I will be extracting the top selling books from September 15th, 2022. api_key <- "61NbssiPqEoTys1jWPNaloqpxWxTAK3i" url <- paste0("", api_key) response <- GET(url) books_data <- content(response, "text") json_books <- fromJSON(books_dat...
295 sym 1 tbl
Week 7
Introduction In this assignment I will be creating 3 different data structures of some of my favorite books, Money ball, Red Notice, and Freakonomics. First off I am using jsonlite to grab and read the json data from github. url_json <- '' jsonData <- jsonlite::f...
603 sym 3 tbl
Project 2
Introduction For this project I will be working with 3 different untidy datasets, tidying them up, dropping unneccesary info and preforming analysis on the cleaned up dataset. url <- "" data <- read_csv(url) head(data, 5) ## # A tibble: 5 × 13 ## `Label...
3743 sym 3 img
Week 5 Assignment Data 607 - Cunningham
url <- '' arrivals <- readr::read_csv(url, col_names = FALSE) Introduction to the Data The data set we are starting with is one on the arrival time of 2 different airlines at 5 different destinations and for each of these airline and destination com...
1744 sym
DATA 607 - Project 1 - Cunningham, Brandon
comb <- paste(tourn[5], tourn[6], sep = '') split_str <- strsplit(comb, "\\|") df <- matrix(unlist(split_str), ncol = 20, byrow = TRUE) i <- 8 while (i < length(tourn)) { comb <- paste(tourn[i], tourn[i+1], sep = '') split_str <- strsplit(comb, "\\|") df_temp <- matrix(unlist(split_str), ncol = 20, byrow = TRUE) df <- rbind(df, df_temp) i <- i+3 ...
10 sym
Assignment 3 - Cunningham
#1 Find all majors that contain the word “Data” or “Statistics” data_or_stat <- majors[grepl("DATA|STATISTICS", majors$Major, = TRUE), ] data_or_stat$Major ## [1] "MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND STATISTICS" ## [2] "COMPUTER PROGRAMMING AND DATA PROCESSING" ## [3] "STATISTICS AND DECISION SCIENCE" #2 Transform The data #...
1242 sym
DATA 607 - Assignment 1 - Cunningham, Brandon
The article I choose is FiveThirtyEight’s article on the age of members of congress. In this article they show a graph of the median ages of members of the house of representatives and members of the senate comparing the median ages over the last approximately 100 years attempting to see if there are any trends in the ages of members of congress ...
999 sym 1 img