Publications by Benjamin
iframe Included Dashboard Shiny Dashboard The Shiny app below is included by way of shinyAppDir, note the need to specify the height of the output Shiny app explicitly. ...
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## [1] "COVID-19 Data as of 2021-02-11" These occasional reports cover: Time series data for: | Overall Case Numbers and fatalities High incidence countries Cases World Wide ## `summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument) Fatalities World Wide The 6 Countries with the Most Cases Table 1: The 6 Countries with the most...
271 sym R (108 sym/2 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl
COVID 19 DATA AS OF: ## [1] "2021-02-12" These occasional reports cover: Time series data for:| Overall Case Numbers and fatalities High incidence countries Cases in the US and UK ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## dateRep = col_character(), ## year_week = col_character(), ## cases_weekly = col_double(), ## deaths_w...
313 sym R (479 sym/2 pcs) 5 img 1 tbl
Data This is a pseudo-random dataset generated from a currently unpublished research project at University of Oxford, the DOI for which is: The original study concerned the letters sent between German migrants and their families in the 19th and 20th Century, in our dataset the dates have been randomised...
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AES 2019 Left-to-Right Political Self-identification Column Figure 1: All Respondents Column Figure 2: Liberal Party House Voters Figure 3: ALP House Voters Figure 4: Greens House Voters ...
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