Publications by Bhagirathi Dash

Make long form of tables using R package tidyverse


Resources -Download the following csv files from the gapminder web site ( “cholesterol_fat_in_blood_women_mmolperl.csv” “body_mass_index_infant.mortality_women_kgperm2.csv” “blood_pressure_sbp_women_mmhg.csv” “children_per_woman_total_fertility.csv” “contraceptive_use_percent_of_women_ages_15_49.csv�...

1942 sym R (6472 sym/85 pcs) 29 tbl

GGPlotting with respect to a continuous outcome in R


Libraries library(tidyverse) library(pacman) library(MASS) library(psych) p_load(grid, gridExtra, robustbase) Dataset birthwt is from the MASS library str(birthwt) ## 'data.frame': 189 obs. of 10 variables: ## $ low : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... ## $ age : int 19 33 20 21 18 21 22 17 29 26 ... ## $ lwt : int 182 155 105 108 1...

2683 sym R (15046 sym/45 pcs) 31 img 1 tbl

Plotting variables for a continuous or discrete outcome in base R


library(MASS) # Support Functions and Datasets for Venables and Ripley's MASS library(psych) # Procedures for Psychological, Psychometric, and Personality library(car) # Companion to Applied Regression library(magrittr) # A Forward-Pipe Operator for R library(RColorBrewer) Obtain the birthwt dataset from the MASS library data(birthwt) s...

2270 sym R (17162 sym/33 pcs) 20 img 5 tbl

GgPlotting variables for a discrete or categorical outcome in R


library(tidyverse) library(MASS) library(grid) library(gridExtra) Obtain birthwt dataset from the MASS package for analysis birthwt is a data.frame of 189 obs. and 10 variables. Variables are described below. data(birthwt) str(birthwt) ## 'data.frame': 189 obs. of 10 variables: ## $ low : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... ## $ age : in...

876 sym R (3769 sym/11 pcs) 4 img 3 tbl

Manipulate and describe a data set


References Objectives -Analyze various variables in the birthwt dataset (from the MASS package). -Evaluate bwt, a continous variable, in relation to other variables. -Evaluate low, a categorical variable, in relation to other variables. L...

23404 sym R (51013 sym/313 pcs) 7 img

Create long forms of tables in base R


Note -In base R, character variables are often presented as factor Resources -Download the following csv files from the gapminder web site ( “cholesterol_fat_in_blood_women_mmolperl.csv” “body_mass_index_infant.mortality_women_kgperm2.csv” “blood_pressure_sbp_women_mmhg.csv” “children_per_woman_total_fer...

10417 sym R (8364 sym/108 pcs)