Publications by Beni Stocker



The data is downloaded from the google spreadsheet [RSIP Working Copy], tab ‘Analysis sheet’, into a CSV (19.9.2019) and saved as data/RSIP_Analysis_sheet.csv. Use gsheet::gsheet2tbl Read the data. df <- read_csv("~/data/rootingdepth/rsip/RSIP_Analysis_sheet_210409.csv") %>% # previously done with "data/RSIP_Analysis_sheet.csv" # df <- r...

1097 sym R (9459 sym/50 pcs) 12 img



Obtain outputs from Euler, generated with feature_elimination_leafnp.R. Download CSV files into data/ Load data aggregated to sites, done in randomforest_leafnp.Rmd. dfs <- readRDS("data/dfs_leafnp_20210729.rds") Leaf N Get FE results target <- "leafN" df_fe_summary <- read_csv(paste0("data/df_fe_summary_", target, ".csv")) ## Rows: 45 Columns:...

4550 sym R (18691 sym/111 pcs) 12 img



R Markdown # detach("package:rpmodel", unload = TRUE) source("R/rpmodel.R") source("R/subroutines.R") out_pmodel <- rpmodel( tc = 20, # temperature, deg C vpd = 1000, # Pa, co2 = 400, # ppm, fapar = 1, # fraction , ppfd = 30, # mol/m2...

28 sym R (4292 sym/10 pcs)



# age by age-bins age <- c(5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200) # fractional area by age-bin farea <- rep(1/6, 6) # some function of similar form as in your paper (negative coefficienty, log of age) calc_bp <- function(age){10 - 1 * log(age)} # calculate BP by age bin and plot bp <- calc_bp(age) df <- tibble(age, bp) df %>% ggplot(aes(age, bp)) + ge...

467 sym R (438 sym/5 pcs) 1 img



Linear model Assume a 60-days dry down event with the following setup: The initial water available to plants across the rooting zone, \(S_0\) is 100 mm. ET (termed \(T\), since it’s only transpiration here) is a linear function of the remaining water stored \(S_t\) and is independent of VPD. \[ T(t) = \alpha S(t)/S_0 \] The change in plant-ava...

2000 sym R (5405 sym/20 pcs) 20 img