Publications by Ben Scartz

White Sox Application


#library(tidyverse) #library(readxl) #library(data.table) Question 9 9a: How many pitches do not have a recorded spin axis? pitch_data <- read.csv('pitch_data.csv') sum($spin_axis)) ## [1] 74 Answer: 74 pitches do not have a recorded spin axis. 9b: What is the ID of the pitcher who threw the highest percentage of fastballs (4-se...

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Slump Assessment and Development - Reds


The purpose of this program is to flag players who are struggling and help determine why they are struggling. Using this tool, player development staff can work with struggling players to get them back on track. In reality, this program would flag players from across all of the Reds’ full-season affiliates. However, for demonstration purposes...

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Slump Assessment


In pro scouting, it is very important to evaluate a player’s struggles. It is important to understand why a player struggles and how he responds to his struggles. The purpose of this program is to flag players who are struggling and help determine why they are struggling. From a player development perspective, staff can work with struggling p...

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Slump Assessment 2


In pro scouting, it is very important to evaluate a player’s struggles. It is important to understand why a player struggles and how he responds to his struggles. The purpose of this program is to flag players who are struggling and help determine why they are struggling. From a player development perspective, staff can work with struggling p...

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Slump Assessment and Development 2


The purpose of this program is to flag players who are struggling and help determine why they are struggling. Using this tool, player development staff can work with struggling players to get them back on track. In reality, this program would flag players from across all of the Cubs’ full-season affiliates. However, for demonstration purposes...

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Slump Assessment and Development 3


The purpose of this program is to flag players who are struggling and help determine why they are struggling. Using this tool, player development staff can work with struggling players to get them back on track. In reality, this program would flag players from across all of the Brewers’ full-season affiliates. However, for demonstration purpo...

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Slump Assessment and Development


The purpose of this program is to flag players who are struggling and help determine why they are struggling. Using this tool, player development staff can work with struggling players to get them back on track. In reality, this program would flag players from across all of the Mets’ full-season affiliates. However, for demonstration purposes...

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Player X Data Explorations


# library(tidyverse) # library(baseballr) full_data <- read.csv('Pitcher X Data 2024.csv') Explore Player X data This script explores the provided data and prepares it for Tableau by_pitch <- full_data %>% filter(! %>% group_by(PitchType) %>% summarize(usage = round(n()/nrow(full_data),2), swing_prob = ...

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Throw Data


throw_table <- read.csv('dataset_2024.csv') head(throw_table) ## throw_id team_id fielder_id fielder_position thrower_id thrower_position ## 1 3 11 400 6 400 6 ## 2 6 11 228 5 390 4 ## 3 7 8 415 4...

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library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.2 ✔ readr 2.1.4 ## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0 ## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.3 ✔ tibble 3.2.1 ## ✔ lubridate 1.9.2 ✔ tidyr 1.3.0...

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