Publications by Chang-Chun Chen
20211004 Homework_1
天氣預報 【陰天有短暫雨,氣溫偏低,沿海空曠地區可能有強陣風。】 【更新時間:03/05 05:18】 昨天(4日)臺南市中西區最低溫發生在半夜,低溫17.3度,中午高溫26.9度。 今天(5日)大陸冷氣團影響及華南雲雨區東移,臺南地區為陰天且有短暫雨, 清晨低溫約 18度,...
255 sym 1 img 1 tbl
Merge exercise
Data Potthoff and Roy (1964) reported data on a study in 16 boys and 11 girls, who at ages 8, 10, 12, and 14 had the distance (mm) from the center of the pituitary gland to the pteryomaxillary fissure measured. Changes in pituitary-pteryomaxillary distances during growth is important in orthodontic therapy. Exercises - using the female data only....
1646 sym R (10532 sym/63 pcs)
20211101 Homework
1 Homework 1 Task: Exercises: Select at random one school per county in the data set Caschool{Ecdat} and draw a scatter diagram of average math score mathscr against average reading score readscr for the sampled data set. Make sure your results are reproducible (e.g., the same random sample will be drawn each time). distcod: district code coun...
3741 sym R (14288 sym/78 pcs) 2 img 2 tbl
20211115 exercise
1 Inclass 1 Task: Render the Ch04.R script for replicating figures in Chapter 4 of Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R (Sarkar, D. 2008) to html document with comments at each code chunk indicated by ‘##’. 1.1 VADeaths ## load package pacman::p_load(lattice, dplyr, magrittr) ## view data VADeaths ## Rural Male Rural Fe...
8416 sym R (22915 sym/85 pcs) 39 img 1 tbl
20211129 Exercise
1 Exercise 1 Task: The distribution of personal disposable income in Taiwan in 2015 has a story to tell. Revise the following plot to enhance that message. source: mean personal disposable income = 311256 median personal disposable income = 266490 1.1 Data Input pacman::p_load(ggplot2...
1313 sym R (22522 sym/40 pcs) 17 img 1 tbl
Just test
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...
593 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img