Publications by Bekkah Moore
Project 0
summary(marriage_data1) ## Name State Married.ages.32.34..pct. ## Length:820 Length:820 Min. :0.1735 ## Class :character Class :character 1st Qu.:0.5394 ## Mode :character Mode :character Median :0.5993 ## Mean :0.5878...
3607 sym R (3374 sym/23 pcs) 3 img
To continue to make this project feel cohesive, the previous part can be found here: One Way ANOVA I’m going to keep using the same data, but now I’ll look at it using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). Since ANOVA has to have more than 2 means to look at, I am kind of limited with what I can do with this data...
4030 sym R (1265 sym/11 pcs) 4 img
Goodness of Fit
To continue to make this project feel cohesive, the previous part can be found here: Goodness of Fit I’m going to keep working with the same Marriage Data I’ve been using, but look at it a little differently using a \(\chi^2\) distribution. I’m going to focus on the states that this data comes from. Let...
3274 sym R (4284 sym/16 pcs) 2 img
Regression Project
In an attempt to make this project feel cohesive, I will link Project 0 here Regression My only quantitative variables are the percentages of being married between ages 32-34 or 23-25 after attending college, so I will do a few graphs to see how these two are related. The question I am asking is will the perc...
3693 sym R (88828 sym/21 pcs) 7 img
Bootstrapping/Cross Validation
The link to the previous part of this project that involved regression can be found here: Moving on! Bootstrapping I will continue using the same data, but will now apply bootstrapping to it! My null hypothesis (\(\mu_M\)) was that the mean marriage rate of the younger couples was larger than the mean marriag...
4133 sym R (5225 sym/33 pcs) 3 img
This is a continuation of this project This will be the final part! Kruskal-Wallis Test This test will be very similar to the ANOVA test I ran in part 4 of the project, but this time I will be looking at the median between the 3 neighboring states. I’m going to add that code here again to define “Neighbo...
1993 sym R (864 sym/7 pcs) 2 img