Publications by Peter Gatica
DATA605 Discussion 12
# Load needed libraries library(tidyverse) library(readr) library(knitr) library(sqldf) Do other factors affect Home Run Distance besides exit velocity? In my last discussion I am created a simple model to show if there is a direct correlation with the exit velocity of a ball hit out of the park and the distance that it travels. My conclusion w...
1478 sym R (6214 sym/26 pcs) 8 img
DATA605 Assignment 12
## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ── ## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6 ✔ purrr 0.3.4 ## ✔ tibble 3.1.8 ✔ dplyr 1.0.10 ## ✔ tidyr 1.2.1 ✔ stringr 1.4.1 ## ✔ readr 2.1.3 ✔ forcats 0.5.2...
2878 sym 3 img
DATA605 Discussion 13
library(matlib) Exercise 4.2.10 pg 179 A boat is being pulled into a dock at a constant rate of 30ft/min by a winch located 10ft above the deck of the boat. At what rate is the boat approaching the dock when the boat is: We will use the following formula to calculate each solution. \[ 2A\frac{dA}{dt} +2B\frac{dB}{dt} =2C\frac{dC}{dt} \] We ha...
880 sym R (329 sym/7 pcs)
DATA605 Assignment 13
library(knitr) 1. Use integration by substitution to solve the integral below. \[ \int 4e^{-7x}dx \] \[ u=-7x\ \rightarrow du=-7dx\ \rightarrow dx=\frac{du}{-7} \] thus \[ \int 4e^{u}\frac{du}{-7} \rightarrow \frac{4}{-7} \int e^{u}du\rightarrow \frac{4}{-7} e^{u}+C \] finally \[ \frac{4}{-7} e^{-7x}+C \] 2. Biologists are treating a pond con...
2409 sym R (448 sym/11 pcs) 2 img
DATA605 Assignment 14
library(pracma) ASSIGNMENT 14 - TAYLOR SERIES IS 605 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS - 2021 This week, we’ll work out some Taylor Series expansions of popular functions. \[ f\left( x\right) =\frac{1}{\left( 1-x\right) } \] Derative: \[ f\left( x\right) =\ \sum^{\infty }_{n=0} \frac{{}f^{(n)}\left( a\right) }{n!} \left( x-a\rig...
1026 sym R (518 sym/9 pcs)
DATA605 Assignment 15
WebTest Name: (Test) Find the equation of the regression line for the given points. Round any final values to the nearest hundredth, if necessary. ( 5.6, 8.8 ), ( 6.3, 12.4 ), ( 7, 14.8 ), ( 7.7, 18.2 ), ( 8.4, 20.8 ) x = c(5.6, 6.3, 7, 7.7, 8.4) y = c(8.8, 12.4, 14.8, 18.2, 20.8) lm(y~x) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = y ~ x) ## ## Coefficient...
2953 sym
DATA605 Final Problem 1
Form the A matrix. Then, introduce decay and form the B matrix as we did in the course notes. (5 Points) (A_matrix <- matrix(c(0,0,1/3,0,0,0,1/2,0,1/3,0,0,0,1/2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1/2,1,0,0,1/3,1/2,0,0,0,0,0,1/2,1/2,0), nrow=6, ncol=6)) ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] ## [1,] 0.0000000 0.5000000 0.5 0.0 0.0000000 0.0 ## [2...
971 sym Python (3708 sym/26 pcs)
DATA605 Final Problem 2
# Load needed libraries library(tidyverse) library(readr) library(knitr) library(OpenImageR) library(Matrix) Go to and build an account if you do not already have one. It is free. Go to, accept the rules of the competition, and download the data. You will not be required to submit wor...
2490 sym R (3984 sym/37 pcs) 3 img
DATA605 Final Problem 3
# Load needed libraries library(tidyverse) library(knitr) library(Matrix) library(matlib) library(matrixcalc) library(MASS) filename <- tempfile() download.file("",filename) tra...
2119 sym R (44910 sym/33 pcs) 5 img
MSDS R Winter Bridge 2021 Week 1 Assignment
Question 1: Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial for(i in 1:12) { ans.remainder <- 12 %% i if(ans.remainder == 0) { print(i) } } ## [1] 1 ## [1] 2 ## [1] 3 ## [1] 4 ## [1] 6 ## [1] 12 Question 2: Show how to create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5. v_seq_by_5 <- seq(from=20, to=50, by = 5) v_seq_by_5...
334 sym R (567 sym/8 pcs)