Publications by aschinchon
Phyllotaxis By Shiny
Antonio, you don’t know what empathy is! (Cecilia, my beautiful wife) Spirals are nice. In the wake of my previous post I have done a Shiny app to explore patterns generated by changing angle, shape and number of points of Fermat’s spiral equation. You can obtain an almost infinite number of images. This is just an example: I like thinking i...
1007 sym R (1970 sym/1 pcs) 24 img
Climatic Change At A Glance
Mmm. Lost a planet, Master Obi-Wan has. How embarrassing (Yoda, Attack Of The Clones) Some time ago I published this post in KDnuggets in which I analyze historical temperatures to show how we are gradually heading toward a warmer planet. Simple data science to obtain a simple (and increasingly accepted) conclusion: the global warming is real. De...
2287 sym R (1610 sym/1 pcs) 8 img
A Checkpoint Of Spanish Football League
I am an absolute beginner, but I am absolutely sane (Absolute Beginners, David Bowie) Some time ago I wrote this post, where I predicted correctly the winner of the Spanish Football League several months before its ending. After thinking intensely about taking the risk of ruining my reputation repeating the analysis, I said “no problem, Antonio...
3084 sym R (3034 sym/1 pcs) 14 img
The Ex Libris Generator
Tweet Go ahead stomp your feet on the floorboards Clap your hands if that’s really what you came here for (Heaven, The Milk Carton Kids) Inspired by curves created by the harmonograph, I have done a Shiny app to generate random images that you can personalize and use as an Exlibris. You can try the App here. For me, an exlibris (also know...
1168 sym 10 img
Going Bananas With Hilbert
It seemed that everything is in ruins, and that all the basic mathematical concepts have lost their meaning (Naum Vilenkin, Russian mathematician, regarding to the discovery of Peano’s curve) Giuseppe Peano found in 1890 a way to draw a curve in the plane that filled the entire space: just a simple line covering completely a two dimensional pla...
1830 sym R (3768 sym/1 pcs) 80 img
The Unbereable Insolence of Prime Numbers or (Playing to be Ulam)
So rock me mama like a wagon wheel, rock me mama anyway you feel (Wagon Wheel, Old Crow Medicine Show) This is the third iteration of Hilbert curve. I placed points in its corners. Since the curve has beginning and ending, I labeled each vertex with the order it occupies:Dark green vertex are those labeled with prime numbers and light ones with n...
1346 sym R (1733 sym/1 pcs) 12 img
The Gender of Big Data
When I grow up I want to be a dancer (Carmen, my beautiful daughter) The presence of women in positions of responsibility inside Big Data companies is quite far of parity: while approximately 5o% of world population are women, only 7% of CEOs of Top 100 Big Data Companies are. Like it or not, technology seems to be a guy thing. To do this experi...
974 sym R (1517 sym/1 pcs) 6 img
A Silky Drawing and a Tiny Experiment
It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data (Sherlock Holmes, A Scandal in Bohemia) One of my favorite entertainments is drawing things: crazy curves, imaginary flowers, celestial bodies, fractalic acacias … but sometimes I wonder myself if these drawings result interesting to whom arrive to my blog. One way to define interesting c...
1868 sym R (423 sym/1 pcs) 6 img
The world is full of wonderful things, like sunflowers (Machanguito, my islander friend) Sunflower seeds are arranged following a mathematical pattern where golden ratio plays a starring role. There are tons of web sites explaining this amazing fact. In general, the arrangement of leaves on a plant stem are ruled by spirals. This fact is called p...
1271 sym R (932 sym/1 pcs) 6 img
The Coaster Maker by Shiny
The word you invented is well formed and could be used in the Italian language (The Accademia della Crusca regarding to the word “Petaloso”, recently invented by an eight-year-old boy) Are you tired of your old coasters? Do you like to make things by your own? Do you have a PC and a printer at home? If you answered yes to all these questions,...
1185 sym R (2281 sym/2 pcs) 22 img