Publications by arthur charpentier

Game of Friendship Paradox


In the introduction of my course next week, I will (briefly) mention networks, and I wanted to provide some illustration of the Friendship Paradox. On network of thrones (discussed in Beveridge and Shan (2016)), there is a dataset with the network of characters in Game of Thrones. The word “friend” might be abusive here, but let’s continue ...

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Convex Regression Model


This morning during the lecture on nonlinear regression, I mentioned (very) briefly the case of convex regression. Since I forgot to mention the codes in R, I will publish them here. Assume that \(y_i=m(\mathbf{x}_i)+\varepsilon_i\) where \(m:\mathbb{R}^d\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\) is some convex function. Then \(m\) is convex if and only if \(\for...

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Combining automatically factor levels in R


Each time we face real applications in an applied econometrics course, we have to deal with categorial variables. And the same question arise, from students : how can we combine automatically factor levels ? Is there a simple R function ? I did upload a few blog posts, over the pas years. But so far, nothing satistfying. Let me write down a few l...

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October, grant proposal season


In 2012, Danielle Herbert, Adrian Barnett, Philip Clarke and Nicholas Graves published an article entitled “on the time spent preparing grant proposals: an observational study of Australian researchers“, whose conclusions had been included in Nature under a more explicit title, “Australia’s grant system wastes time” ! In this study, the...

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Monte Carlo techniques to create counterfactuals


In the previous STT5100 course, last week, we’ve seen how to use monte carlo simulations. The idea is that we do observe in statistics a sample \(\{y_1,\cdots,y_n\}\), and more generally, in econometrics \(\{(y_1,\mathbf{x}_1),\cdots,(y_n,\mathbf{x}_n)\}\). But let’s get back to statistics (without covariates) to illustrate. We assume that ob...

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Solving the chinese postman problem


Some pre-Halloween post today. It started actually while I was in Barcelona : kids wanted to go back to some store we’ve seen the first day, in the gothic part, and I could not remember where it was. And I said to myself that would be quite long to do all the street of the neighborhood. And I discovered that it was actually an old problem. In 1...

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The “probability to win” is hard to estimate…


Real-time computation (or estimation) of the “probability to win” is difficult. We’ve seem that in soccer games, in elections… but actually, as a professor, I see that frequently when I grade my students. Consider a classical multiple choice exam. After each question, imagine that you try to compute the probability that the student will p...

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NSERC – Discovery Grants Program, over the past 5 years


In a previous post, I discussed how it was possible to scrap the NSERC website to get stats about discovery grants. Since we just got the new 2018 figures, I thought it would be a good opportunity to update my graphs, library(XML) library(stringr) url="

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Random thoughts on econometric models with (pure) random features


For my lectures on applied linear models, I wanted to illustrate the fact that the \(R^2\) is never a good measure of the goodness of the model, since it’s quite easy to improve it. Consider the following dataset n=100 df=data.frame(matrix(rnorm(n*n),n,n)) names(df)=c("Y",paste("X",1:99,sep="")) with one variable of interest \(y\), and 99 fea...

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On the poor performance of classifiers in insurance models


Each time we have a case study in my actuarial courses (with real data), students are surprised to have hard time getting a “good” model, and they are always surprised to have a low AUC, when trying to model the probability to claim a loss, to die, to fraud, etc. And each time, I keep saying, “yes, I know, and that’s what we expect becaus...

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