Publications by arthur charpentier

An Update on Boosting with Splines


In my previous post, An Attempt to Understand Boosting Algorithm(s), I was puzzled by the boosting convergence when I was using some spline functions (more specifically linear by parts and continuous regression functions). I was using > library(splines) > fit=lm(y~bs(x,degree=1,df=3),data=df) The problem with that spline function is that knots s...

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Choosing a Classifier


In order to illustrate the problem of chosing a classification model consider some simulated data, > n = 500 > set.seed(1) > X = rnorm(n) > ma = 10-(X+1.5)^2*2 > mb = -10+(X-1.5)^2*2 > M = cbind(ma,mb) > set.seed(1) > Z = sample(1:2,size=n,replace=TRUE) > Y = ma*(Z==1)+mb*(Z==2)+rnorm(n)*5 > df = data.frame(Z=as.factor(Z),X,Y) A first strategy is...

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Visualising Claims Frequency


A few years ago, I did publish a post to visualize and empirical claims frequency in a portfolio. I wanted to update the code. Here is a code to get a dataset, sinistre <- read.table("",header=TRUE,sep=";") sinistres=sinistre[sinistre$garantie=="1RC",] contrat <- read.table("http://freakonomet...

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Modelling Occurence of Events, with some Exposure


This afternoon, an interesting point was raised, and I wanted to get back on it (since I did publish a post on that same topic a long time ago). How can we adapt a logistic regression when all the observations do not have the same exposure. Here the model is the following: , the occurence of an event  on the period  is unobserved the occuren...

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Computing AIC on a Validation Sample


This afternoon, we’ve seen in the training on data science that it was possible to use AIC criteria for model selection. > library(splines) > AIC(glm(dist ~ speed, data=train_cars, family=poisson(link="log"))) [1] 438.6314 > AIC(glm(dist ~ speed, data=train_cars, family=poisson(link="identity"))) [1] 436.3997 > AIC(glm(dist ~ bs(speed), d...

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Pricing Game


In November, with Romuald Elie and Jérémie Jakubowicz, we will organize a session during the 100% Actuaires day, in Paris, based on a “pricing game“. We provide two datasets, (motor insurance, third party claims), with 2  years of experience, and 100,000 policies. Each ‘team’ has to submit premium proposal for 36,000 potential...

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“A 99% TVaR is generally a 99.6% VaR”


Almost 6 years ago, I posted a brief comment on a sentence I found surprising, by that time, discovered in a report claiming that the expected shortfall […] at the 99 % level corresponds quite closely to the […] value-at-risk at a 99.6% level which was inspired by a remark in Swiss Experience report, expected shortfall […] on a 99% c...

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On NCDF Climate Datasets


Mid november, a nice workshop on big data and environment will be organized, in Argentina, We will talk a lot about climate models, and I wanted to play a little bit with those data, stored on Since Ewen (aka @3wen) has been working on those datasets recently, he kindly told me how to read those dataset...

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Minimalist Maps


This week, I mentioned a series of maps, on Twitter, some minimalist maps (poke @visionscarto) — Arthur Charpentier (@freakonometrics) 2 Septembre 2015 Friday evening, just before leaving the office to pick-up the kids after their first week back in class, Matthew Champion (aka @matthewchampion...

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Convergence and Asymptotic Results


Last week, in our mathematical statistics course, we’ve seen the law of large numbers (that was proven in the probability course), claiming that given a collection  of i.i.d. random variables, with To visualize that convergence, we can use > m=100 > mean_samples=function(n=10){ + X=matrix(rnorm(n*m),nrow=m,ncol=n) + return(apply(X,1...

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