Publications by arthur charpentier

Visualising a Classification in High Dimension


So far, when discussing classification, we’ve been playing on my toy-dataset (actually, I should no claim it’s mine, it is inspired by the one used in the introduction of Boosting, by Robert Schapire and Yoav Freund). But in ral life, there are more observations, and more explanatory variables.With more than two explanatory variables, it star...

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Some Intuition About the Theory of Statistical Learning


While I was working on the Theory of Statistical Learning, and the concept of consistency, I found the following popular graph (e.g. from  thoses slides, here in French) The curve below is the error on the training sample, as a function of the size of the training sample. Above, it is the error on a validation sample. Our learning process is co...

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Some More Results on the Theory of Statistical Learning


Yesterday, I did mention a popular graph discussed when studying theoretical foundations of statistical learning. But there is usually another one, which is the following, Let us get back to the underlying formulas. On the traning sample, we have some empirical risk, defined as for some loss function . Why is it complicated ? From the law of lar...

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Growing some Trees


Consider here the dataset used in a previous post, about visualising a classification (with more than 2 features), > MYOCARDE=read.table( + "", + header=TRUE,sep=";") The default classification tree is > arbre = rpart(factor(PRONO)~.,data=MYOCARDE) > rpart.plot(arbre,type=4,extra=6) We can change the opt...

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Forecast, Automatic Routines vs. Experience


This morning, in our Time Series course, we’ve been playing with some data I got from Actually, we’ve been playing on some old version, downloaded 18 months ago (discussed in a previous post, in French). > urls = "" > report=read.table( + urls,skip=4,header=TRUE,sep="...

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Regression Models, It’s Not Only About Interpretation


Yesterday, I did upload a post where I tried to show that “standard” regression models where not performing bad. At least if you include splines (multivariate splines) to take into accound joint effects, and nonlinearities. So far, I do not discuss the possible high number of features (but with boostrap procedures, it is possible to assess so...

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Spliting a Node in a Tree


If we grow a tree with standard functions in R, on the same dataset used to introduce classification tree in some previous post, > MYOCARDE=read.table( + "", + head=TRUE,sep=";") > library(rpart) > cart<-rpart(PRONO~.,data=MYOCARDE) we get > library(rpart.plot) > library(rattle) > prp(cart,type=2,extra=1)...

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Interactive Maps for John Snow’s Cholera Data


This week, in Istanbul, for the second training on data science, we’ve been discussing classification and regression models, but also visualisation. Including maps. And we did have a brief introduction to the  leaflet package, devtools::install_github("rstudio/leaflet") require(leaflet) To see what can be done with that package, we will use on...

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Another Interactive Map for the Cholera Dataset


Following my previous post, François (aka @FrancoisKeck) posted a comment mentionning another package I could use to get an interactive map, the rleafmap package. And the heatmap was here easy to include. This time, we do not use openstreetmap. The first part is still the same, to get the data, > require(rleafmap) > library(sp) > library(rgdal) ...

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Classification with Categorical Variables (the fuzzy side)


The Gaussian and the (log) Poisson regressions share a very interesting property, i.e. the average predicted value is the empirical mean of our sample. > mean(predict(lm(dist~speed,data=cars))) [1] 42.98 > mean(cars$dist) [1] 42.98 One can prove that it is also the prediction for the average individual in our sample > predict(lm(dist~speed,data=...

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