Publications by arthur charpentier
Bounding sums of random variables, part 1
For the last course MAT8886 of this (long) winter session, on copulas (and extremes), we will discuss risk aggregation. The course will be mainly on the problem of bounding the distribution (or some risk measure, say the Value-at-Risk) for two random variables with given marginal distribution. For instance, we have two Gaussian risks. What coul...
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Compound Poisson and vectorized computations
Yesterday, I was asked how to write a code to generate a compound Poisson variables, i.e. a series of random variables where is a counting random variable (here Poisson disributed) and where the ‘s are i.i.d (and independent of ), with the convention when . I came up with the following algorithm, but I was wondering if it was possi...
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Fractals and Kronecker product
A few years ago, I went to listen to Roger Nelsen who was giving a talk about copulas with fractal support. Roger is amazing when he gives a talk (I am also a huge fan of his books, and articles), and I really wanted to play with that concept (that he did publish later on, with Gregory Fredricks and José Antonio Rodriguez-Lallena). I did mentio...
2042 sym R (752 sym/4 pcs) 48 img
Why pictures are so important when modeling data?
(bis repetita) Consider the following regression summary,Call: lm(formula = y1 ~ x1) Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 3.0001 1.1247 2.667 0.02573 * x1 0.5001 0.1179 4.241 0.00217 ** --- Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Resi...
2344 sym R (4746 sym/17 pcs) 28 img
On Box-Cox transform in regression models
A few days ago, a former student of mine, David, contacted me about Box-Cox tests in linear models. It made me look more carefully at the test, and I do not understand what is computed, to be honest. Let us start with something simple, like a linear simple regression, i.e. Let us introduced – as suggested in Box & Cox (1964) – the following ...
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UEFA, what were the odds ?
Ok, I was supposed to take a break, but Frédéric, professor in Tours, came back to me this morning with a tickling question. He asked me what were the odds that the Champions League draw produces exactly the same pairings from the practice draw, and the official one (see e.g.…). To be honest, I don’t know much about socce...
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UEFA, is that it ?
Following my previous post, a few more things. As mentioned by Frédéric, it is – indeed – possible to compute the probability of all pairs. More precisely, all pairs are not as likely to occur: some teams can play against (almost) eveyone, while others cannot. From the previous table, it is possible to compute probability that the last tea...
2868 sym R (1846 sym/8 pcs) 12 img
R for actuarial science
As mentioned in the Appendix of Modern Actuarial Risk Theory, “R (and S) is the ‘lingua franca’ of data analysis and statistical computing, used in academia, climate research, computer science, bioinformatics, pharmaceutical industry, customer analytics, data mining, finance and by some insurers. Apart from being stable, fast, always up-to-...
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Regression tree using Gini’s index
In order to illustrate the construction of regression tree (using the CART methodology), consider the following simulated dataset, > set.seed(1) > n=200 > X1=runif(n) > X2=runif(n) > P=.8*(X1<.3)*(X2<.5)+ + .2*(X1<.3)*(X2>.5)+ + .8*(X1>.3)*(X1<.85)*(X2<.3)+ + .2*(X1>.3)*(X1<.85)*(X2>.3)+ + .8*(X1>.85)*(X2<.7)+ + .2*(X1>.85)*(X2>.7) > ...
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The law of small numbers
In insurance, the law of large numbers (named loi des grands nombres initially by Siméon Poisson, see e.g.…) is usually mentioned to legitimate large portfolios, because of pooling and diversification: the larger the pool, the more ‘predictable’ the losses will be (in a given period). Of course, under standard sta...
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