Publications by Ariba
Assignment 1- Data 602
#Q1 Fix all the syntax and logical errors in the given source code #add comments to explain your reasoning # This program gets three test scores and displays their average. It congratulates the user if the # average is a high score. The high score variable holds the value that is considered a high score. HIGH_SCORE = 95 # Get the test scores....
6 sym
Data 602
Equity and Bias in IIJA Funding Allocation An Analysis of Population and Political Influence Your Name Equity and Bias in IIJA Funding Allocation Introduction The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) represents a historic investment in the infrastructure of the United States, aiming to address transportation, utilities, broadband, and ...
4279 sym Python (15749 sym/35 pcs) 2 img 4 tbl
Data 607- Final Project
# Load necessary libraries library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.4 ✔ readr 2.1.5 ## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.1 ## ✔ ggplot2 3.5.1 ✔ tibble 3.2.1 ## ✔ lubridate 1.9.3 ...
23 sym R (4662 sym/18 pcs) 2 img
week 9 tidyverse/github lab - Extended
url <- "" data <- read.csv(url) pi_gal <- data %>% filter(str_detect(Device.Model, regex("Pixel|Galaxy", ignore_case = TRUE))) head(pi_gal) ## User.ID Device.Model Operating.System ## 1 1 Google Pixel 5 ...
16 sym 2 img
Project 4- Data 607
# Install required libraries if not already installed if (!require(tm)) install.packages("tm") ## Loading required package: tm ## Loading required package: NLP if (!require(e1071)) install.packages("e1071") ## Loading required package: e1071 if (!require(caret)) install.packages("caret") ## Loading required package: caret ## Loading required packag...
73 sym R (1229977 sym/70 pcs)
Netflix Recommender System Analysis- Data 607
Introduction Netflix has one of the most sophisticated recommender systems in the world, helping millions of users find content tailored to their preferences. From binge-worthy series to hidden indie gems, its personalized recommendations are a cornerstone of its success. In this report, we analyze Netflix’s recommendation engine, focusing on its...
4021 sym
lab 09- Data 606
Grading the professor Many college courses conclude by giving students the opportunity to evaluate the course and the instructor anonymously. However, the use of these student evaluations as an indicator of course quality and teaching effectiveness is often criticized because these measures may reflect the influence of non-teaching related characte...
21833 sym 18 img
Extra Credit Week 11.
# Load necessary libraries library(readxl) # Load the movie ratings data from Excel file file_path <- "/Users/aribarazzaq/Downloads/MovieRatings (1).xlsx" # Load the MovieRatings and Global Baseline sheets movie_ratings <- read_excel(file_path, sheet = "MovieRatings") global_baseline <- read_excel(file_path, sheet = "Global Baseline") # View the...
7 sym R (2228 sym/4 pcs)
Project 3- Data 607
Overview For Project 3, our team was asked to answer the question, Which are the most valued data science skills? To answer this question, we decided to explore the top skills that companies search for in a job candidate. We sourced data from Indeed, a popular job listing site. We were able to source a dataset featuring over 12,000 US Data Science ...
6326 sym Python (13733 sym/27 pcs) 4 img
Lab 07- Data 606
The Human Freedom Index is a report that attempts to summarize the idea of “freedom” through a bunch of different variables for many countries around the globe. It serves as a rough objective measure for the relationships between the different types of freedom - whether it’s political, religious, economical or personal freedom - and other soc...
11139 sym 9 img