Publications by Ari Lamstein
New Package: choroplethrCaCensusTract
Today I am happy to announce that my newest R package, choroplethrCaCensusTract, is now available on github. The package’s title is a combination of three words: choroplethr: the package has similar functions and data objects as my package choroplethr. The name choroplethr itself is a combination of the words choropleth map and R programming ...
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New Shiny App for Exploring Census Tract Demographics
Today I am happy to announce a new web app I have created for exploring Census Tract Demographics in California. You can view the running app here. The source code is available here. I view the app as a companion to my new package choroplethrCaCensusTract, which is designed to make it easier to work with California Census Tracts in R. Here is a s...
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Learn to Map Census Data in R
Today I am happy to announce a new free email course: Mapping Census Data in R. You can sign up via the form at the bottom of this post. The course is designed to provide similar information to what I covered in my tutorial Analyzing US Census Data with R. In short, it will teach you how to create choropleth maps of US demographics such as th...
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Exploring the Demographics of Ferguson, Missouri
One interesting feature of Census data is that it can help us to better understand current events and claims by the media. For example, the news coverage of the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri often reported that Ferguson is predominately black, while the police officers are predominately white. This video by PBS Newshour has a gr...
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New Tutorial: Make a Census Explorer!
Today I am happy to announce a new tutorial I am running titled Make a Census Explorer with Shiny! It is free and will be held July 28 in San Francisco. In the tutorial we will combine R’s Shiny framework for web development with the census-mapping choroplethr package to create a browser-based census explorer. You can see the final app h...
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Administrative Maps and Projections in R
Today I will demonstrate how to create maps of “other countries”, and use map projections, with the choroplethr package in R. I write “other countries” in quotes because, like most things, translating a high level wish into software can be complicated. If you want to skip ahead and play with a web app that lets you explore the Administr...
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Tutorial Recap: Make a Census Explorer with Shiny
On July 28 I had the pleasure of leading a tutorial titled Make a Census Explorer with Shiny! at the San Francisco R-ladies Meetup. A big thank you to Gabriela de Queiroz for organizing the event, Sharethrough for hosting it, and all the participants for attending. If you are interested in seeing the slides, you can do so here. If you are interes...
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Mapping Historic US Presidential Election Results
Today I will demonstrate how to map historic US Presidential Election results in R. If you want to skip ahead and play with a shiny app that lets you visualize this dataset, then click here. The dataset we will use comes from wikipedia’s List of United States presidential election results by state and is packaged in the choroplethr package a...
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How to Remove State Abbreviations from a Choroplethr Map
Today I will demonstrate how to remove state abbreviations from a choroplethr map. I will also demonstrate how to combine multiple maps into a single image. This is what the final image looks like: In this case the abbreviations obscure information for the northeast part of the country, so it’s useful to remove them. Step 1: Create a Map With ...
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New release: Choroplethr v3.2.0
Today I am happy to announce that a new version of choroplethr, v3.2.0, is now available. You can get it by typing the following from an R console: install.packages("choroplethr") Note that it sometimes takes a few days for new packages to get copied to each CRAN mirror. If install.packages(“choroplethr”) only gets you version 3.1.0, pleas...
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