Publications by Arash Hatamirad

two-way ANOVA


Analysis of Variance The psychology department at a hypothetical university has been accused of underpaying female faculty members. The data represent salary (in thousands of dollars) for all 22 professors in the department. This problem is from Maxwell and Delaney (2004). <- read.csv("psych.csv") #View( #str( # Conve...

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one-way ANOVA


Analysis of Variance For this problem use the bupa.csv data set. Check UCI Machine Learning Repository for more information ( The mean corpuscular volume and alkaline phosphatase are blood tests thought to be sensitive to liver disorder related to excessive alcohol consumption. We assume tha...

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Hypothesis Testing II


The airquality data will be used for this Exercise. The information about variables in the dataset can be found in R. Exercise: Hypothesis Testing Perform a hypothesis test -whether Wind in July has a different speed (mph) than Wind in August. Question (a): Which test should we perform, and why? See QQ-plot and perform Shapiro-Wilk test for no...

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Hypothesis Testing I


Cars.csv will be used for Exercise. The variables in the data are included below in the table. The variables in the data set are the following attributes of cars in the year 2004:  Make – the auto manufacturer  Model – name of the vehicle  Type – SUV, sedan, sports, truck, or wagon  Origin – continent of the manufacturer; E...

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One-Way ANOVA - Sample 1


Exercise 1: Analysis of Variance The heartbpchol.csv data set contains continuous cholesterol (Cholesterol) and blood pressure status (BP_Status) (category: High/ Normal/ Optimal) for alive patients. For the heartbpchol.xlsx data set, consider a one-way ANOVA model to identify differences between group cholesterol means. The normality assumption...

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Descriptive Statistics


Cars.csv will be used for Exercise. The variables in the data are included below in the table. The variables in the data set are the following attributes of cars in the year 2004:  Make – the auto manufacturer  Model – name of the vehicle  Type – SUV, sedan, sports, truck, or wagon  Origin – continent of the manufacturer; E...

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Analysis of Variance


Analysis of Variance The heartbpchol.csv data set contains continuous cholesterol (Cholesterol) and blood pressure status (BP_Status) (category: High/ Normal/ Optimal) for alive patients. For the heartbpchol.xlsx data set, consider a one-way ANOVA model to identify differences between group cholesterol means. The normality assumption is reasonab...

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Linear Regression, Stepwise Model selection


Stepwise selection We will use heart.csv dataset. Below is brief summary of variables in heart.csv. Weight: subject’s weight Systolic: top number in a blood pressure reading, indicating the blood pressure level when the heart contracts Diastolic: bottom number in a blood pressure reading, indicating the blood pressure level when the heart is...

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Logistic Regression, Stepwise Model Selection with AIC- II


Logistic Regression, Stepwise Model Selection with AIC Use the sleep data set which originates from maxlife10 is 0 if the species maximum life span is less than 10 years and 1 if its maximum life span is greater than or equal to 10 years. Consider finding the best logistic model for predicting the probabil...

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Logistic Linear Regression, Model Selection


Use significance levels of .05 unless the instructions state otherwise. Data Sets: You need to download dataset birthweight_final.csv. The data record live, singleton births to mothers between the ages of 18 and 45 in the United States who were classified as black or white. There are total of 400 observations in birthweight, and variables are: -...

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