Publications by Aranzazu Chaparro Molina

Direct-Mail Fundraising


library(readr) library(dplyr) # data wrangling library(tidyr) # data wrangling library(ggplot2) # plotting library(rpart) # DT library(tidyverse) library(tree) library(Metrics) library(caret) library(car) library(kernlab) library(MASS) library(ROCR) library(performance) library(randomForest) library(corrplot) library(ggcorrplot) #...

9082 sym R (17011 sym/44 pcs) 6 img 2 tbl

Customer Retention Case Study


library(SMCRM) # CRM data library(dplyr) # data wrangling library(tidyr) # data wrangling library(ggplot2) # plotting library(survival) # survival library(rpart) # DT library(randomForestSRC) # RF library(tidyverse) library(tree) library(Metrics) library(caret) library(car) library(kernlab) library(MASS) library(performance) librar...

1154 sym R (1227 sym/1 pcs)

Assignment 6


library(ISLR) library(boot) library(splines) library(MASS) library(leaps) library(gam) Exercise 6 In this exercise, you will further analyze the Wage data set considered throughout this chapter. Part a) Perform polynomial regression to predict wage using age. Use cross-validation to select the optimal degree d for the polynomial. What degr...

3301 sym R (6744 sym/29 pcs) 6 img

Assignment 07


library(ISLR) library(tidyverse) # plot library(plotly) # plot library(tree) # DT library(Metrics) library(rpart) # for some DT plots library(randomForest) # Bagging and RF library(caret) #predict Exercise 3 Consider the Gini index, classification error, and entropy in a simple classification setting with two classes. Create a single plo...

5043 sym R (6993 sym/39 pcs) 5 img

Flight Delay - 2015 US flights (pre-processing)


library(readr) library(dplyr) Original Dataset Source and description The dataset was found at Kaggle (source:, the “2015 flight delays and cancellations” dataset originally comes from the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Bureau of Transportation Statistics, all flights are domestic, w...

1836 sym R (4938 sym/12 pcs)