Publications by Aparupa Mitra (s3831724)

MATH2349 Data Wrangling Assignment 2


Abstract Summary Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has become a major health problem causing severe acute respiratory illness in humans. It has spread rapidly around the globe since its outbreak.The incidence of COVID-19 continues to increase with millions confirmed cases and deaths worldwide. In this assignment I have tried to analyze the impa...

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Group member: Aparupa Mitra-s3831724, Shristi Shelendra Chavhan-s3822713, George Chai-s3533832, Mary Legrand-s3815368, Yuxin Yang- s375519 1. Introduction This study is a time series analysis of monthly data on the closing price of Amazon’s stock price during the 12 years from January 1, 2009, to May 29, 2021. Amazon is one of the biggest comp...

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MATH2270 Data Visualization Assignment 3 - Aparupa Mitra (s3831724)


Gender pay gap across USA and Rest of the world Gender Pay Gap in USA Column USA State wise biggest gender wage gap in 2019 Gender pay gap in top 5 industral sectors in USA in 2019 Column Median hourly earnings of women by race (2015 -2019) Women’s weekly earnings as a percentage of men by age group Gender Pay Gap in World Column C...

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MATH2270 Data Visualisation Assignment 2


Click the Original, Code and Reconstruction tabs to read about the issues and how they were fixed. Original Source: All the World’s Billionaires in a Single Map. Objective The objective of this visualization is to demonstrate total number of billionaires and total wealth of billionaires around the world.The aim of this visualization is to co...

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Timeseries Analysis Assignment1


R Markdown CONTENTS 1.Introduction 2.Import library 3.Import dataset 4.Convert and plot time series ,lag 5.Modeling a)Linear b)Quadratic c)Cosine 6.Comparing ACF plots 7.Comparing Q-Q plot to check normality 8.Comparing histogram 9.Prediction for next 5 year 10.Propose a set of possible ARIMA(p, d, q) models 11.Conclusion 12.References INTRODUCT...

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Forecasting of solar radiation


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...

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