Publications by Aparajita Bhandari



Main Analyses Content Moderation Study 1 Aparajita Bhandari 5/17/2020 0.1 Introduction Going through the main analyses for hypotheses and research questions identified as part of this section of the study Logit Regression for one independent variable with 3 categories RQ5a:How does source of moderation influence participants’ likelihood to fla...

1856 sym R (21992 sym/42 pcs)

Descriptives for Content Mod


Descriptives Content Moderation Study 1 Aparajita Bhandari 4/17/2020 0.1 Introduction This will be going through the descriptives for the study 1 data as outlined in Philip’s presentation 0.2 Missingness Analysis First we will go through and examine the missingness patterns in our data. #missingness for truman data data1 %>% %>% ...

1698 sym R (75275 sym/427 pcs) 67 img

Content Moderation Study 1 Main Analysis (Rerun)


Main Analyses Rerun (Content Mod Study 1) Aparajita Bhandari 5/28/2020 0.1 Introduction Rerunning the analyses for Content Moderation Truman Study 1. Manipulation Check The chi square test is significant so the two variables are dependent. all_data_wide$moderationType.recode <-recode(all_data_wide$moderationType,"users"=1,"automated"=2,"unknown"...

4542 sym R (82122 sym/163 pcs) 10 img 25 tbl

Pilot Descriptives


CCSS Pilot Descriptives Aparajita Bhandari 8/31/2020 dplyr::coalesce function (...) { if (missing(..1)) { abort("At least one argument must be supplied") } values <- list2(...) x <- values[[1]] values <- values[-1] for (i in seq_along(values)) { x <- replace_with(x,, values[[i]], glue("A...

2249 sym R (18783 sym/152 pcs) 36 img

Content Moderation Study 2 Data Diagnostics


Content Moderation Paper 2 Data Diagnostics Aparajita Bhandari 9/11/2020 0.1 0.2 Reliability First let’s check the reliability for our scales system bias/accountability scale Reliability analysis Call: alpha(x = sb_scale) raw_alpha std.alpha G6(smc) average_r S/N ase mean sd median_r 0.87 0.87 0.82 0.68 6.5 0....

515 sym R (32894 sym/161 pcs) 27 img

Content Moderation Study 2 Main Analysis


Main Analyses (Content Mod Study 2) Aparajita Bhandari 10/28/2020 1 Intro #RQ1: How does source of moderation (AI vs other users vs unidentified) impact a) agreement with the moderation decision, b) trust in the moderation decision, and c) perceived fairness of the moderation decision? How does source impact agreement with moderation decision? ...

1688 sym R (42776 sym/153 pcs) 1 img

Mediation and Anova Rerun Content Moderation Study 1


Anova rerun Moderation source effect on personal resp anova_one_way_pr <- aov(personalresp1~moderationType + age + gender + education , data = all_data_long) summary(anova_one_way_pr) ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## moderationType 2 3.0 1.499 0.449 0.638628 ## age 1 22.7 22.697 6.794 0.0...

468 sym R (16819 sym/52 pcs)