Publications by Zach Herold, Anthony Pagan, Betsy Rosalen

Data 608 Final Project


OVERVIEW The societal impact of income is well known. Can sports shape a childs life who otherwise would not be exposed to the positive influences and challenges that sports can bring. Objective In this data anaylsis we try to answer the question What is the future impact for children who play sports vs children that do not play sports? Approac...

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Data 621 ELMR Exercise 7.2


## time poison treat ## Min. :0.1800 I :16 A:12 ## 1st Qu.:0.3000 II :16 B:12 ## Median :0.4000 III:16 C:12 ## Mean :0.4794 D:12 ## 3rd Qu.:0.6225 ## Max. :1.2400 ## Start: AIC=-129.85 ## log(time) ~ (poison + treat)^2 ## ## Df Sum of Sq RS...

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Data 608 Final Project


OVERVIEW The societal impact of income is well known. Can sports shape a childs life who otherwise would not be exposed to the positive influences and challenges that sports can bring. Objective In this data anaylsis we try to answer the question What is the future impact for children who play sports vs children that do not play sports? Approac...

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Time Series Decomposition


Excercise 6.2 The plastics data set consists of the monthly sales (in thousands) of product A for a plastics manufacturer for five years. A Plot the time series of sales of product A. Can you identify seasonal fluctuations and/or a trend-cycle? The data appears to increase mid year and decrease end of year. Data also looks to have a year to year...

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Model Selection


Data Summary Summary of data shows that we have a dataframe with 2 factor columns and 1 integer column. ## X Y label ## Min. : 5 a :5 BLACK:22 ## 1st Qu.:19 b :5 BLUE :14 ## Median :43 c :5 ## Mean :38 d :5 ## 3rd Q...

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Data 612 Project 2


For assignment 2, start with an existing dataset of user-item ratings, such as our toy books dataset, MovieLens, Jester [] or another dataset of your choosing. Implement at least two of these recommendation algorithms: Content-Based Filtering User-User Collaborative Filtering Item-Item Collaborative Filteri...

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Data 612 Final Project


Project Proposal Introduction The business case for this project is to reduce the cost of time to resolution of a problem issue. The ability to select best resolution to issues from a list of FAQ can sometimes be a time consuming task. Trial and error can cause prolonged downtime on critical systems. A recommender system that includes the experi...

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Data 612 Research 4


Introduction The articles for this week’s discussion “YouTube, the Great Radicalizer” and “Up Next: A better Recommendation System” , both touch on a difficult societal conundrum. How do we tune our recommendation systems to avoid programmatically radicalizing our freedom of thought? On the one hand, recommender systems are a boon for s...

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Data 612 Project 3


Introduction Your task is implement a matrix factorization method—such as singular value decomposition (SVD) or Alternating Least Squares (ALS)—in the context of a recommender system.You may approach this assignment in a number of ways. You are welcome to start with an existing recommender system written by yourself or someone else. Remember ...

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Data 612 Research 2


Introduction Review: The video begins by describing other personalized recommendation systems method that are being used in other organizations. Some existing approaches include: Manual curating songs which is time consuming Have music experts manually tag songs for different attributes, which would be...

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