Publications by Anthony B. Masters

Luxembourg-UK Confirmed Cases


Purpose The purpose of this graph is to show confirmed SARS-CoV-2 case counts for Luxembourg and the United Kingdom. The statistics come from Our World in Data. Packages and Themes First, we download the packages we need: library(tidyverse) library(lubridate) library(scales) Next, we set the plotting theme: theme_clean <- theme_bw(base_family = ...

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ONS Weekly Deaths Baseline


Purpose The purpose of this code is to show potential different baselines in weekly death registrations for England and Wales. For 2022, the Office for National Statistics updated that baseline, having used the 2015-2019 average for the past two years. Packages and Themes First, download the packages we need: library(tidyverse) library(curl) lib...

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LFS Employment Levels by Type


Purpose The purpose of this code is to make two graphs showing levels and change of UK employment, by type. The estimates from the Office for National Statistics Labour Force Survey. The ONS published its report on 15th March 2022. Packages and Themes First, download the packages we need: library(tidyverse) library(curl) library(readxl) library(...

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NHS England Covid Hospital Beds (Non-Acute Trusts)


Purpose The purpose of this code is to show statistics for Covid-19 patients in England. In acute trusts, this is split by primary diagnosis. Packages and Themes First, install the packages we need: library(tidyverse) library(curl) library(readxl) library(janitor) library(lubridate) library(scales) library(patchwork) library(sysfonts) library(sh...

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COVID Tracker ICU Patients


Purpose The purpose of this code is to create graphs showing ICU patients in US states. The statistics come from the COVID Tracker Project. Packages and Themes First, install the packages we need: library(tidyverse) library(lubridate) library(scales) library(sysfonts) library(showtext) Next, set the plotting theme. font_add_google("Spline Sans")...

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Covid-19 Trends in Wales


Purpose The purpose of this code is to show different coronavirus-related measures in Wales. The figures come from Public Health Wales (via the UKHSA R package) and the Office for National Statistics infection survey. Packages and Themes First, install the packages we need: library(tidyverse) library(curl) library(readxl) library(ukcovid19) libr...

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Notified Covid-19 deaths in Ireland


Purpose The purpose of this code is to show notified Covid-19 deaths in Ireland. The graphs will show the reporting cycle and deaths by both reporting date and date of occurrence. The statistics come from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre Covid-19 Data Hub API. Packages and Themes First, install the packages we need: library(tidyverse) l...

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Survation-RH Most Important Issue Cartogram


Purpose The purpose of this code is to make a cartogram of modelled most important issues by constituency. Analysts at Royal Holloway used Survation polling to model opinion in each constituency. Packages and Themes First, install the packages we need: library(tidyverse) library(readxl) library(googlesheets4) library(curl) library(sf) library(ja...

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