Publications by Anthony Fiatarone

Assignment 9 - Chi.Square Tests


1. Left vs Work Accident Perform the chi-square test (.5 point) chisq.test(hr$left , hr$Work_accident) ## ## Pearson's Chi-squared test with Yates' continuity correction ## ## data: hr$left and hr$Work_accident ## X-squared = 357.56, df = 1, p-value < 2.2e-16 Interpret the results in technical terms (.5 point) p-value interpretation: The ...

2582 sym

Assignment 8 - T.Tests


Test 1: Satisfaction Level vs Left Perform the t-test (.5 point) t.test(satisfaction_level ~ left, data = hr) ## ## Welch Two Sample t-test ## ## data: satisfaction_level by left ## t = 46.636, df = 5167, p-value < 2.2e-16 ## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group 0 and group 1 is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confi...

1826 sym

Assignment 7 - Correlations


Correlation 1: Average Monthly Hours vs Satisfaction Level cor.test(hr$average_montly_hours, hr$satisfaction_level) ## ## Pearson's product-moment correlation ## ## data: hr$average_montly_hours and hr$satisfaction_level ## t = -2.4556, df = 14997, p-value = 0.01408 ## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 ## 95 perce...

1714 sym 4 img

Assignment 6 - Graphical Analysis


Histogram: Distribution of Employee Satisfaction Create a histogram of the satisfaction_level variable. plot_ly(hr, x = ~satisfaction_level, type = "histogram") %>% layout(title = "Most Employees are Satisfied (Satisfaction > .5)", xaxis = list(title = "Satisfaction Level"), yaxis = list(title = "Employees")) Analysis The n...

1914 sym

Assignment 5 - Joins & More


1. Join + Filter Which airplanes fly LGA to XNA (1 POINT) Q1 <- left_join(planes, flights, by = 'tailnum') %>% filter(origin == 'LGA' & dest == 'XNA') %>% select(manufacturer, model, engine, origin, dest) %>% distinct() print(Q1) ## # A tibble: 4 × 5 ## manufacturer model engine origin dest ## <chr> ...

416 sym Python (3367 sym/8 pcs)

Assignment 4 - Table Joins


Question 1: Inner Join (3 points) Perform an inner join between the customers and orders datasets. Q1 <- inner_join(customers, orders, by = "customer_id") a). How many rows are in the result? There are 4 rows. b). Why are some customers or orders not included in the result? Only customers and orders with matching customer_id in both tables ar...

4143 sym

Assignment 3 - Data Wrangling


1. Rename(): Rename the “Film” column to “movie_title” and “Year” to “release_year” Q1 <- movies %>% rename(movie_title = Film, release_year = Year) print(head(Q1)) ## # A tibble: 6 × 8 ## movie_title Genre `Lead Studio` `Audience score %` Profitability ## <chr> <chr> <chr> ...

1383 sym Python (6163 sym/14 pcs)

DATA 3210 Assignment 2


Question 1 library(readr) HR_comma_sep <- read_csv("C:/Users/ajfia/OneDrive/College/Fairfield University/3rd Year 2024-25/Fall 2024/DATA 3210-01 Business Analytic Methods Illya Mowerman/Data Set Downloads/HR_comma_sep.csv") ## Rows: 14999 Columns: 10 ## ── Column specification ──────────────────────...

643 sym R (626 sym/2 pcs)