Publications by Daniel Antal
Open Data Day 2021 retroharmonize case study
Retrospective survey harmonization comes with many challenges. In this tutorial we cannot show all of them, but we can highlight the ones that are almost certain to show up: Neither the number of observations or the number of variables (which represents the survey questions and their translation to coded data) is the same. Certain data may be on...
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Regional Climate Change Awareness Dataset
library(regions) library(lubridate) library(dplyr) if ( dir.exists('data-raw') ) { data_raw_dir <- "data-raw" } else { data_raw_dir <- file.path("..", "..", "data-raw") } Going beyond the national level Let’s start with a dirty averaging by sub-national unit. The w1 weighting variable contains the post-stratification weight for t...
2979 sym R (2279 sym/6 pcs)
Reprex: Reproducible Consulting Daniel Antal, CFA 3/22/2021 Reprex Reproducible Consulting Visit ↗ You can jump between our main topics 1 Data Analytics & Consulting & 2 Focus on Material Costs and Non-Billable Hours with three use cases & 3 Shared Data Assets with the to the next main topic with the ⯇ ⯈ arrow on your keyboard o...
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Agenda for Packages 28 May 2021 meeting
Please find this document with publication and blog drafts in dataobservatory-eu/regions_publications. We have two project boards: Strategic Plan & Publications Create blogposts The master regions repo moved to rOpenGov. Very low hanging fruits with big impact: iotables for environment connecting Eurobarometer to eurostat via regions mini pack...
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Curated Database Demo
Curated Indicators In this example, we will curate Eurostat indicators. All indicators are national indicators, we are not doing geographical recoding with regional indicators. library(indicators) #> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'quantmod': #> method from #> zoo require(eurostat) #> Loading required pac...
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README: indicators package
indicators The goal of indicators is to … Installation You can install the development version from GitHub with: # install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("dataobservatory-eu/indicator") Create a mini database This code will create a mini database from select Eurostat indicators: library(indicators) #> Registered S3 method overw...
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Getting Started On Zenodo With Zen4R
In our observatories, we store the authentic copies of new datasets on the European scientific data repository, Zenodo. If you are new to Zenodo, you should upload at least one or two datasets manually, before trying to automate the process. And to avoid live-testing in Zenodo, where everythings is supposed to be permanent, set up a practice acco...
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MCE first blogpost
The idea of our Digital Music Observatory was brought to the UK policy debate on music streaming by the Written evidence submitted by The state51 Music Group to the Economics of music streaming review of the DCMS Committee1. The music industry requires a permanent market monitoring facility to win fights in competition tribunals, because it is in...
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Belgium Work in Progress
Analytic objects This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks wi...
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Hungary Risk Assessment
The sustainable finance action plan of the European Union wants to ensure that banks, investors, and insurance companies take into consideration the sustainability impact of their financing activities. When they give money or insurance coverage to a company, that company will engage in various economic activities that may increase or decrease gre...
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