Publications by Anna Alari

D-R Curves trend for PM10 and nocc mortality-simple and stratification model


Descriptive Statistics for PM10 Descriptive Statistics for pm10 Ville Minimum X1st.Qu Median Mean X3rd.Qu Max NA.s bordeaux 0.0000000 17.00000 22.33333 24.68781 29.49141 101.66667 859 clermont 2.0000000 12.66667 17.50000 19.80135 24.00000 105.75000 372 grenoble 3.0000000 17.00000 24.00000 ...

1399 sym R (9594 sym/12 pcs) 69 img 6 tbl

D-R Curves trend for Ozone and nocc mortality-interaction model


Descriptive Statistics for O3 Descriptive Statistics for o3 Ville Minimum X1st.Qu Median Mean X3rd.Qu Max NA.s bordeaux 1.9154062 51.33333 70.95833 70.70046 89.16369 169.5000 NA clermont 1.7321429 54.12500 72.68750 72.06568 90.12500 178.5625 138 grenoble 0.4375000 35.51116 65.96875 65.821...

428 sym R (20471 sym/27 pcs) 3 img 7 tbl

D-R Curves trend for Ozone and respi mortality-simple and stratification model


Descriptive Statistics for O3 Descriptive Statistics for o3 Ville Minimum X1st.Qu Median Mean X3rd.Qu Max NA.s bordeaux 1.9154062 49.55208 69.45833 69.41858 88.12500 169.5000 NA clermont 1.7321429 54.31250 72.48661 72.01823 89.87500 178.5625 144 grenoble 0.4375000 35.29129 65.78125 65.640...

1335 sym R (9595 sym/12 pcs) 69 img 6 tbl

Heat wave analysis


Importing data library(xlsx) library(Hmisc) ## Loading required package: lattice ## Loading required package: survival ## Warning: package 'survival' was built under R version 3.6.2 ## Loading required package: Formula ## Loading required package: ggplot2 ## ## Attaching package: 'Hmisc' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':...

4607 sym R (362171 sym/179 pcs) 10 img 5 tbl

Effect of Heat Wave timing


The aim of the following analysis is to test different approaches to estimate whether heat waves occuring at different timing during the summer may have different effect on mortality. Heat wave variable was created according to the Meteo France definition for extreme weather events. Heat waves were defined as periods where the mean daily temperat...

6604 sym R (27875 sym/114 pcs) 8 img 268 tbl