Publications by anjie & gal

nonlinear linking functions


library(pracma) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.2 ✔ readr 2.1.4 ## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0 ## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.2 ✔ tibble 3.2.1 ## ✔ lubridate 1.9.2 ✔ tid...

689 sym R (2020 sym/8 pcs) 6 img



library(pracma) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.2 ✔ readr 2.1.4 ## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0 ## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.2 ✔ tibble 3.2.1 ## ✔ lubridate 1.9.2 ✔ tid...

689 sym R (1986 sym/8 pcs) 6 img



library(pracma) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.2 ✔ readr 2.1.4 ## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0 ## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.2 ✔ tibble 3.2.1 ## ✔ lubridate 1.9.2 ✔ tid...

689 sym R (1986 sym/8 pcs) 6 img



library(pracma) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.2 ✔ readr 2.1.4 ## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0 ## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.2 ✔ tibble 3.2.1 ## ✔ lubridate 1.9.2 ✔ tid...

1568 sym R (2409 sym/9 pcs) 7 img



Load data RT_data <- read_csv(here('data/processed_data/processed_RTdata.csv')) ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## subject = col_character(), ## block_number = col_double(), ## block_type = col_character(), ## trial_number = col_double(), ## item_type = col_character(), ## trial_type = col_character(), ## trial_complex...

628 sym R (2240 sym/11 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl



Load data RT_data <- read_csv(here('data/processed_data/trimmed_RTdata.csv')) ## Parsed with column specification: ## cols( ## subject = col_character(), ## block_number = col_double(), ## block_type = col_character(), ## trial_number = col_double(), ## item_type = col_character(), ## trial_type = col_character(), ## trial_complexit...

454 sym R (2918 sym/19 pcs) 7 img

baby pilot


Including Plots ## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`. ## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (stat_bin). ## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite values (stat_summary). ## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point). ## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing non-finite valu...

36 sym R (690 sym/7 pcs) 5 img

Region model & contrast schemes


Load libraries. ## here() starts at /Users/galraz1/Desktop/Polygence/Varun ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ── ## ✓ ggplot2 3.3.2 ✓ purrr 0.3.4 ## ✓ tibble 3.0.4 ✓ dplyr 1.0.2 ## ✓ tidyr 1....

2164 sym R (4454 sym/14 pcs)



helper functions (hidden) load files (hidden) reformat and merge looking times with jspsych output (hidden) Exclusions # remove looking times less than 1 sec complete_df <- complete_df %>% filter( looking_time_2000 > 1, # remove looking times less than 1 sec looks_error_2000_s == 0, # remove looking times less than 1 sec valid...

226 sym R (5232 sym/20 pcs) 6 img



Introduction This RMarkdown consists of two parts: First, we’ll go through the general cause of closed-form Bayesian updating of our beliefs when trying to estimate the mean and standard deviation of a Gaussian process. Then we’ll apply it to our specific case in which the Gaussian process is corrupted by Gaussian noise. Note that we are limi...

6930 sym R (2333 sym/14 pcs) 9 img