Publications by Aniket1969
Next Word Predictor Aniket kumar 2024-05-20 Introduction Predicting the next word in a phrase using NLP What is the Next Word Predictor? A Shiny app that predicts the next word based on an input phrase Utilizes natural language processing techniques Simple and intuitive user interface How it Works Step-by-Step Process User inputs a phrase ...
915 sym
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Capstone Milestone Report ##Overview The purpose of this document is to outline the exploratory data analysis performed on three corpora, in service of planning a simple model for a predictive text algorithm. The algorithm will predict the next word given a unigram, bigram or trigram input (i.e. it will output the final token in a bigram, trig...
7756 sym 7 tbl
Capstone Milestone Report ##Overview The purpose of this document is to outline the exploratory data analysis performed on three corpora, in service of planning a simple model for a predictive text algorithm. The algorithm will predict the next word given a unigram, bigram or trigram input (i.e. it will output the final token in a bigram, trig...
7756 sym 7 tbl
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Capstone Milestone Report ##Overview The purpose of this document is to outline the exploratory data analysis performed on three corpora, in service of planning a simple model for a predictive text algorithm. The algorithm will predict the next word given a unigram, bigram or trigram input (i.e. it will output the final token in a bigram, trig...
7756 sym 7 tbl
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Capstone Milestone Report Overview The purpose of this document is to outline the exploratory data analysis performed on three corpora, in service of planning a simple model for a predictive text algorithm. The algorithm will predict the next word given a unigram, bigram or trigram input (i.e. it will output the final token in a bigram, trigr...
7750 sym 7 tbl
Milestone Report
Capstone Milestone Report Overview The purpose of this document is to outline the exploratory data analysis performed on three corpora, in service of planning a simple model for a predictive text algorithm. The algorithm will predict the next word given a unigram, bigram or trigram input (i.e. it will output the final token in a bigram, trigr...
7918 sym 6 img 7 tbl
Introduction The Iris Sepal Width Predictor is a simple Shiny application that predicts the Sepal Width of an Iris flower based on its Sepal Length, Petal Length, and Petal Width. Application Features User inputs for Sepal Length, Petal Length, and Petal Width. Predicts Sepal Width using a linear model. Displays the prediction dynamically based...
634 sym
library(leaflet) Create a Leaflet map map <- leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% # Add default OpenStreetMap tiles setView(lng = -0.12755, lat = 51.507222, zoom = 10) # Set initial view to London Add a marker map <- addMarkers(map, lng = -0.12755, lat = 51.507222, popup = “London”) Print the map map...
306 sym