Publications by Anika Lewis

Data Recoding Practice


final<-read.csv("/Users/anikalewis/Downloads/SD4 NHIS Data ALT.csv") library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(tidyr) Recode finalrecode<-final%>% ...

43 sym R (1664 sym/13 pcs)

Monthly Marijuana Use & Risk for Serious Addiction


Variable Selection & Research Question Categorical variable: marij_month, marijuana users and non users Continuous variable: k6score, the risk of serious mental illness Using the data attached, I will investigate the risk of serious mental illness for participants that have or have not used marijuana within the past 30 days. I surmise that the r...

2079 sym R (4344 sym/25 pcs) 4 img

Recoding Practice


Identify Variables partyreg_baseline ->Party Registration, Democrat & Republican wealth6_2019->Describe wealthy people - Help others by giving to charities - 2019 wealth4_2019->Describe wealthy people - Create jobs - 2019 rwm_2019->Feeling Thermometer – Rich white men - 2019 Import Data VD2019<-read.csv("/Volumes/FLASHDRIVE/Data 333/Voter Dat...

320 sym R (2641 sym/7 pcs)

Democrats & Republicans + Feelings towards wealthy people


1. Introduction of Research Topic I will be using data from a Janurary 2019 Electorate Research Survey conducted by the democracy fund, to explore how democrats and republicans differ in their attitudes towards wealthy people. 2. Description of Variables & Data Preparation Below are the variables that I will be using: partyreg_baseline ->Party ...

3433 sym R (7538 sym/39 pcs) 6 img