Publications by Andrew Bowen

DATA 606 Final Project


Abstract The FIFA World Cup is the largest sporting event in the world, in terms of television viewership. With over 5 billion viewers per tournament, there is significant interest in the event internationally. UEFA, the European football (also called soccer) confederation is often considered the best confederation, both in terms of quality of pl...

5964 sym R (6572 sym/33 pcs) 9 img

DATA 606 Final Presentation Slides


2022-11-29 Research Question Is there a significant difference in the mean viewership of soccer in Europe vs another continent (confederation)? Data Viewership data for the 2010 World Cup Collected into a csv file by FiveThirtyEight 5 fields: country confederation tv_audience_share population_share gdp_weighted_share Reading in Data Read in...

2924 sym 8 img

DATA 607 Final Project


Motivation Research Question: Do environmental factors (like air quality) impact a student’s academic performance? Datasources AQ Air Quality Public REST API Open Weather Map API NYC Open Data Education files on test results : while not a perfect indicator of academic performance, these do give some insight into the academic progress of stud...

4409 sym R (9221 sym/35 pcs) 6 img

DATA 607 Final Project Slides


2022-11-23 Motivation Research Question: Do environmental factors (like air quality) impact a student’s academic performance? Datasources NYC Open Data Air Quality Dataset API NYC Open Data Education files on test results : while not a perfect indicator of academic performance, these do give some insight into the academic progress of studen...

2552 sym Python (14957 sym/18 pcs) 3 img