Publications by Andrew
Brain Tumor Analysis
# print dataset brain_tumor <-read.csv("/cloud/project/tumor/brain_tumor_dataset.csv") head(brain_tumor) ## Tumor.Type Location Grade Patient.Age Gender ## 1 Oligodendroglioma Occipital Lobe 9.23 I 48 Female ## 2 Ependymoma Occipital Lobe 0.87 II 47 Male ## 3 Meningioma O...
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Analysis of Food Nutritional Data using R
# load tidyverse library("tidyverse") ## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ── ## ✔ dplyr 1.1.4 ✔ readr 2.1.5 ## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.1 ## ✔ ggplot2 3.5.1 ✔ tibble 3.2.1 ## ✔ lubridate 1.9.3 ✔...
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NppToR 2.4.0 Adds Auto-Completion
I’ve had a wonderful summer, very busy, but now I’ve finally had some time to sit down and program some thing on NppToR that I’ve been wanting to get out. Thanks to Yihui Xie and his wonderful R script for generating auto-completion files, NppToR now has a dynamic Auto-Completion feature like the Dynamic Syntax generation feature. Spe...
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NppToR 2.5.0
NppToR 2.5.0 is finally here. There were some major changes in the functionality. First, which will be the biggest for most people is that NppToR 2.5 supports R-2.12.0 which was just released. The new dual file structure for R beaks the spawning procedure in previous versions of NppToR. Another big change is handling settings. N...
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New R Users Group for University of Utah and Research Park
I’m organizing a new R Users Group for the University of Utah and Research Park sponsored by the Study Design and Biostatistics Center. We welcome all to come. The first meeting will be dedicated to finding out what users needs and abilities are. We also welcome all skill levels. But I will also give a short presentation about some of the b...
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Post-hoc Pairwise Comparisons of Two-way ANOVA
I read this post today by John Quick. I was a little taken back when he used a pairwise t-test for post hoc analysis. In a contradiction the t-test did not show differences in the treatment means when the ANOVA model did. This is because the pairwise.t.test does not take into account the two-way anova, it only looks marginally, and so gives e...
1066 sym R (458 sym/1 pcs) 2 img
Putting together multinomial discrete regressions by combining simple logits
When predicting 0/1 data we can use logit (or probit or robit or some other robust model such as invlogit (0.01 + 0.98*X*beta)). Logit is simple enough and we can use bayesglm to regularize and avoid the problem of separation.What if there are more than 2 categories? If they’re ordered (1, 2, 3, etc), we can do ordered logit (and use bayespol...
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Don’t stop being a statistician once the analysis is done
I received an email from the Royal Statistical Society asking if I wanted to submit a 400-word discussion to the article, Vignettes and health systems responsiveness in cross-country comparative analyses by Nigel Rice, Silvana Robone and Peter C. Smith.My first thought was No, I can’t do it, I don’t know anything about health systems responsi...
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