Publications by You!



Part 1: Sensor Dataset We use the San Antonio Smart Sensor Data for Weather in Medical Center, Downtown and Brooks ## Rows: 898098 Columns: 8 ## -- Column specification -------------------------------------------------------- ## Delimiter: "," ## chr (2): Sensor_id, Zone ## dbl (5): LAT, LONG, Temp_F, Humidity, Pressure_Pa ## dttm (1): Dat...

756 sym R (6729 sym/31 pcs) 16 img

Publish Document


Functions Tasks relevel() Reorders the levels of a factor. glm() Fits various generalized linear models. round() Rounds the number to a specified digits. cbind() Column-bind two data.frames. exp() Takes exponential of the input value. PseudoR2() Calculates various pseudo R-squared statistics based on the log-likelihoods. 1. Introduction In...

13757 sym R (18409 sym/37 pcs) 4 img 1 tbl

Publish Document


Functions Tasks cooks.distance() Calculates cook’s distance. text() Draws text labels at the coordinates given by x and y. ifelse() Returns conditional outputs based on the test. loessLine() Draws nonparametric regression lines. predict() Make predictions using regression objects. If no new data is supplied, the data used for the fitting i...

14680 sym R (19071 sym/43 pcs) 13 img 1 tbl



Installing relevant packages and setting WD packages <- c("rtweet", "ggplot2", "dplyr", "tidytext", "tidyverse", "igraph", "ggraph", "tidyr", "wordcloud2", "textdata") # Install packages not yet installed installed_packages <- packages %in% rownames(installed.packages()) if (any(installed_packages == FALSE)) { install.packages(packages[!inst...

4543 sym R (14707 sym/53 pcs) 4 img



Installing and loading packages pkgs <- c("tidyverse", "sf","tmap","spatstat","maptools", "sqldf","spatstat.geom", "leaflet.providers", "markdown", "polyclip","ggmap") list.packages <- pkgs[!(pkgs %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] if(length(list.packages)) install.packages(list.packages) ...

1890 sym R (8746 sym/36 pcs) 5 img



pkgs <-c("tidyverse","sf", "tmap", "jsonlite","devtools","yelpr", "spatstat","maptools") sapply(pkgs, library, character.only = TRUE) hotel_resp <- read.csv("hotel_response.csv") grocery_resp <- read.csv("grocery_response.csv") hotel_resp$type <- "hotel" grocery_resp$type <- "grocery" resp_stack <- rbind(hotel_resp, grocery_resp) Convert res...

1552 sym R (2211 sym/15 pcs) 3 img



pkgs <- c("tigris", "GWmodel","tidyverse","psych","tmap","sf","rgdal") #install.packages("shinjs") list.packages <- pkgs[!(pkgs %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] if(length(list.packages)) install.packages(list.packages) invisible(sapply(pkgs, library, character.only = T)) restaurantPts= read.csv('restaurantP...

1934 sym R (4955 sym/30 pcs) 3 img



Installing and loading packages pkgs <- c("tidyverse", "sf","tmap","spatstat","maptools", "sqldf","spatstat.geom", "leaflet.providers", "markdown", "polyclip","ggmap") list.packages <- pkgs[!(pkgs %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])] if(length(list.packages)) install.packages(list.packages) ...

1798 sym R (5599 sym/23 pcs) 1 img

Week 2: Lab2 - Descriptive stats, frequency distribution, central tendency


This lab will guide you through (1) reading in data from your computer, (2) examining their summary statistics including mean, median, variance, and range, and (3) drawing some basic charts and graphs to visualize our data. In specific, materials in this document include: Functions Tasks getwd() Print the current working directory setwd() Set ...

8935 sym R (4722 sym/44 pcs) 8 img 1 tbl

Week 2: Lab2 - Descriptive stats, frequency distribution, central tendency


This lab will guide you through (1) reading in data from your computer, (2) examining their summary statistics including mean, median, variance, and range, and (3) drawing some basic charts and graphs to visualize our data. In specific, materials in this document include: Functions Tasks getwd() Print the current working directory setwd() Set ...

8935 sym R (4722 sym/44 pcs) 8 img 1 tbl