Publications by Amir Freund

NSF-BSF Preliminary Research


Note: To view the code click on the ‘Show’/‘Hide’ buttons on the right side of the page. # Load required libraries library(lmerTest) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(gt) library(ggplot2) library(gridExtra) library(stargazer) library(patchwork) library(sjPlot) library(mediation) source("af_utils.R") source("af_graph.R") s...

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NSF-BSF Preliminary Research


Note: To view the code click on the ‘Show’/‘Hide’ buttons on the right side of the page. # Load required libraries library(lmerTest) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(gt) library(ggplot2) library(gridExtra) library(stargazer) library(patchwork) library(sjPlot) library(mediation) source("af_utils.R") source("af_graph.R") s...

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1 Reconstruction Instructions This reconstruction file includes all program steps used for the assignment as well as the required R code. To reconstruct the assignment please perform the following steps: Copy the provided reconstruction files to a dedicated directory Open the file Matching.Rmd in RStudio Select the knit Document command from t...

2983 sym Python (21686 sym/23 pcs) 9 img

Regressions with Categorical Responses


1 Reconstruction Instructions This reconstruction file includes all program steps used for the assignment as well as the required R code. To reconstruct the assignment please perform the following steps: Copy the provided reconstruction files to a dedicated directory Open the file regressions_with_categorical_responses.Rmd in RStudio Select ...

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Categorical Regression Assignment


1 Reconstruction Instructions This reconstruction file includes all program steps used for the assignment as well as the required R code. To reconstruct the assignment please perform the following steps: Copy the raw data file extremism_dataset.RDS to a dedicated directory Copy the resonstruction file regressions with categorical responses.Rm...

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Logistic Regression


This article aims to demonstrate how to perform Ordinal regression using the MASS package - POLR function 1 Initialization Load the required libraries library(stargazer) library(sjPlot) library(ggplot2) library(ggthemes) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(viridis) library(gt) library(extrafont) library(effects) # For marginal effec...

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OLS Regression Assignment


1 Reconstruction Instructions This reconstruction file includes all program steps used for the assignment as well as the required R code. To reconstruct the assignment please perform the following steps: Copy the raw data file extremism_dataset.RDS to a dedicated directory Copy the resonstruction file ols_regression.Rmd to the same directory ...

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IL Political Extremism Data


This reconstruction file creates the Political Extremism measures data for the Israeli Political Extremism Survey. The file includes all analysis steps used to calculate the measures as well as the required R code required. To reconstruct the results please perform the following steps: Obtain the reconstruction ZIP file from the author Unpack t...

3860 sym Python (12347 sym/18 pcs)

Political Events and Extremism


Note: To view the code click on the ‘Show’/‘Hide’ buttons on the right side of the page. Load R packages and proprietary R source files # Load required libraries library(lmerTest) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(gt) library(ggplot2) library(stargazer) library(patchwork) library(sjPlot) library(mediation) source("af_utils.R...

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IL Political Events Effects


This reconstruction file creates a preliminary research analysis for the NSF proposal. The file includes all analysis results as well as the required R code. To reconstruct the results please perform the following steps: Obtain the reconstruction ZIP file from the author Unpack the zip file to a direcotry on your PC Open the file extremism_event...

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