Publications by Aline CAMPOS
Simulating relative survival data using the R package `relsurvsim`
Simulating relative survival data using the R package relsurvsim Aline Campos Reis de Souza 2024-10-21 Datasets colrec registry To illustrate the usage of the implemented functions, we simulate relative survival data based on the colrec dataset, available on relsurv package. It contains survival data of 5971 patients from the Slovene Cancer R...
4137 sym Python (9300 sym/52 pcs) 10 img
codes JMOptim
Data generation simulateJM <- function (nsim, nsub, thetas, times, formulas, Data = NULL, censoring = NULL, max.FUtime = NULL) { if (is.null(max.FUtime)) max.FUtime <-1e6 # Function to compute the inverse survival function invS <- function (t, uu, i) { TD <- function (v) { # function to compute the time-dependent part ...
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Lung cancer cohort head(lung12boost) ## sex agediag dep gor typeKC dead survtday myocardial_infection ## 1 1 76 1 H NSCLC 0 1252 0 ## 2 1 81 3 H NSCLC 1 220 0 ## 3 1 64 3 H NSCLC 1 146 0 ## 4 2 73 3 H NSCLC 1 ...
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Colorectal cancer-Random Forest analysis
Patients with colon and rectal cancer diagnosed in 1994-2000 library(relsurvForest) data(colrec) head(colrec) ## sex age diag time stat stage site agegr ## 1 1 62.98324 12656 16 0 1 rectum 61-68 ## 2 2 33.07962 13388 504 0 3 rectum 12-60 ## 3 1 66.46862 12711 22 0 3 colon 61-68 ## 4 2 80.10076 13971...
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Data sets head(rdata) ## time cens age sex year agegr ## 1 2657 1 68 2 8210 62-70 ## 2 1097 1 63 2 8278 62-70 ## 3 3764 1 60 1 8254 54-61 ## 4 3724 1 66 2 8054 62-70 ## 5 5076 0 57 2 8224 54-61 ## 6 139 1 57 2 8233 54-61 head(colrec) ## sex age diag time cens stage site agecat ## 1 1 23004 12...
224 sym R (5859 sym/19 pcs) 2 img
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within...
607 sym R (1130 sym/10 pcs) 2 img
Comord data
\(~\) National cancer registry and HES data (England) Question: What are the comorbidities that affect the survival of patients with lung cancer, taking into account the stage of the disease? \(~\) \(~\) Data set Data Retrospective longitudinal assessment of comorbidities for cancer patients diagnosed in England during 2013. Cancer infomation: ...
1248 sym R (12393 sym/31 pcs) 18 img 8 tbl
Random Survival Forest analysis
The data set In this example, the training data set \(\mathcal{D}_n\) is composed of 2231 observations of 39 variables and a survival response \((T,\delta)\). It will be analysed with \(\texttt{randomForestSRC}\) package. \(~\) \(~\) library("randomForestSRC") library("survival") data(peakVO2, package = "randomForestSRC") dataSet <- peakV...
1633 sym R (4489 sym/8 pcs) 7 img
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...
593 sym R (268 sym/2 pcs) 1 img