Publications by Ali
Covid Anxiety, and Suicide Ideation Covid Anxiety, and Suicide Ideation Decline to Answer Yes Coefficient Std. Errors z stat p value Coefficient Std. Errors z stat p value Intercept -1.5329198 0.2529756 -6.0595562 0.0000000 -0.6706505 0.1832634 -3.6594894 0.0002527 (Ref:No Change) Decrease 0.1465972 0....
1246 sym 15 img 12 tbl
## X root group subgroup subsubgroup ## 1 5 root Vascular Cardiac Disease Hypertensive diseases ## 2 2 root Vascular Cardiac Disease Ischemic heart diseases ## 3 3 root Vascular Cardiac Disease Other forms of heart disease ## 4 11 root C...
8 sym R (880 sym/1 pcs)
## [1] 372 ## [1] 511 ## [1] "StartDate" "EndDate" "IPAddress" ## [4] "RecordedDate" "ResponseId" "DistributionChannel" ## [7] "UserLanguage" "Q2.3" "Q6.9" ## [10] "Q6.10.4_1_1" "Q6.10.4_2_1" "Q6.10.4_3_1" ## [13] "Q6.10.4_4_1" ...
447 sym R (61511 sym/77 pcs) 14 img
Tele health
## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union ## ## -- Column specification -------------------------------------------------------- ## cols( ## Round = col_double(...
107 sym R (790 sym/6 pcs) 18 img
What is mediation? Mediation is the process by which one variable transmits an effect onto another through one or more mediating variables. In this case, as depression increases, People with Epilespsy (PWE) will have higher sense of severity from thier illness, and then their Quality of Life (QOL) will diminish.This study examones that illness pe...
6339 sym R (16113 sym/21 pcs) 4 img 2 tbl
I am a caregiver of an adult with epilepsy.(N=250) I am a person with epilepsy and a caregiver of an adult with epilepsy.(N=11) I am an adult with epilepsy.(N=250) Overall(N=511) TBI No_TBI 49 (19.6%) 1 (9.1%) 51 (20.4%) 101 (19.8%) Yes 201 (80.4%) 10 (90.9%) 199 (79.6%) 410 (80.2%) TBI_LOC mild 62 (24.8%) 5 (45.5%) 68 (27.2%) 135 (26.4%) m...
656 sym R (76137 sym/5 pcs) 1 tbl
comrbidities Make TBI Status (In comorbidity section we have 188, while 209 reported TBI ) Make (QOLIE10) Make (VR-12) Making scales ## ## 1 2 4 ## 250 250 11 Join Scales to LEEP # step1: lm(Y~X) Model1-QOLIE10 Model2-QOLIE10 Model3-QOLIE10 Model4-QOLIE10 Model5-QOLIE10 Model6-QOLIE10 Coeffcient Estimates Conf. I...
435 sym R (2167 sym/17 pcs) 3 img 8 tbl