Publications by Alexandra Jebb
Tutorial Menu
Tutorial Menu Welcome to the class! The workshop format means you can choose your tutorial based on your comfort level with using ggplot2. For this reason I have divided the class into a menu of resources associated with starters (beginners), mains (middle level) & desserts (extended level). A summary list is provided in the image below and the t...
2150 sym R (250 sym/1 pcs) 2 img 4 tbl
Coding Bite: Making Multi-Panel Plots
Packages Loaded A list of packages required. Use “install.packages(”packagename") if you have not previously loaded these packages into your R. #Access practice datasets library(datasets) #Make awesome plots library(ggplot2) #Use color pallettes library(viridis) #Make multi-panel plots library(cowplot) library(ggpubr) library(grid...
2789 sym R (4033 sym/10 pcs) 8 img 1 tbl
GGplot2 - The Basics
Packages Loaded A list of packages required. Use “install.packages(”packagename") if you have not previously loaded these packages into your R. #Access practice datasets library(datasets) #Make awesome plots library(ggplot2) #Use color pallettes library(viridis) #Create multiple figure plots library(gridExtra) Load the data needed ...
7162 sym R (3620 sym/11 pcs) 10 img 1 tbl
Example analysis (RMarkdown Tutorial)
Objectives The main aim of this analysis is to show how marmots are awesome by testing the following hypotheses: Marmots are the cutest. Marmots have beautiful voices. Marmots are the top ranking mammal. Loaded Packages A list of packages required to run my analyses. #A package to plot figures. library(ggplot2) ## Warning: package 'ggplot2' wa...
654 sym R (106 sym/2 pcs) 2 img
Tutorial on RMarkdown
Overview Syntax Using R Markdown syntax allows you to format your report to allow for the best possible communication of your results. There are some examples of formatting you may often want to use on the R Markdown cheatsheet (“RMarkdown Cheatsheet Session 1” within the session materials) Managing Code R Markdown can present code and outp...
7144 sym R (1102 sym/14 pcs)
Troubleshooting pdfs in RMarkdown
The Issue So you want to make an R Markdown file using pdf rather than the html used by everyone else? It gets a little more complicated at this point but stay with me! Many first time users of R Markdown find that html runs fine but pdfs fail and they get a lot of confusing and worrying error messages that they feel lost debugging. For that reas...
2139 sym R (314 sym/4 pcs)