Publications by Albert Rapp
ggplot tips: Arranging plots
In this week’s TidyTuesday, I noticed that I am frequently not using only ggplot2 to create plots. In fact, it has become essential to me to leverage the powers of other great additional packages that align well with ggplot2. Therefore, I decided to extend my ggplot2-tips series by introducing a few packages I use quite often. In this post, I w...
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6 simple Shiny things I have learned from creating a somewhat small app
A couple of weeks back, I wanted to explain to my student what I mean when I talk about the “variance of the sample variance”. In my head, this term sounds quite confusing and contains the word “variance” at least one too many times. But as I was not sure whether my subsequent explanation really came through, I decided to let my students ...
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A couple of visualizations from ggforce
It is almost the beginning of a new year and I have decided to finish off this year with a quick blog post. Also, friends were shaming me that I have been slacking off on this blog lately. Therefore, let’s get started right away. We’ll keep things simple and look at a few cool plots from the ggforce package. Of course, we have already glimp...
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ggplot-tips: Learning by Thieving
TidyTuesday, the weekly social data project that brings together R users, is a great way to connect to the R community and learn to wrangle and visualize data. But more importantly, it is a superb chance to learn new data visualization skills by doing thieving. Let me elaborate. Each week, you get a chance to work with a new data set and create a...
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Showcasing the janitor package
The janitor package contains only a little number of functions but nevertheless it is surprisingly convenient. I never really fully appreciated its functionality until I took a look into the documentation. Of course, other packages can achieve the same thing too but janitor makes a lot of tasks easy. Thus, here is a little showcase. Clean column ...
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Interactive ggplots, user feedback, and a little bit of javascript magic with Shiny
I’ve been reading Mastering Shiny by Hadley Wickham lately and one of the things that intrigued me is that you can make ggplots interactive. Though I believe that there are limitation to the level of interactiveness compared to using, say, plotly, I really wanted to practice interactive ggplots with Shiny. Naturally, I build a Shiny app to figu...
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4 Ways to use colors in ggplot more efficiently
When creating a plot I frequently catch myself using way too many colors. Thus, I have to remind myself often to keep things simple. Usually, this makes a data visualization way more effective. Luckily, I found a neat datawrapper blogpost by Lisa Charlotte Muth that shows us how to reduce the use of colors. But as I was reading the blog post, I f...
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How to use Fonts and Icons in ggplot
For some reason, using other than the default font in plots has been a major problem for me in R. Supposedly, one can use the extrafont package to manage all of that but I found it too cumbersome. Instead, I found out that the showtext package can make my life easier. Even though working with text in plot is not yet completely free of troubles, s...
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